【禁闻】中共“清理”记者站 被指借机管控















采访/陈汉 编辑/张天宇 后制/钟元

The CCP’s Clean Up: Correspondents Stands Accused Of Controlling Regulations

Recently, a joint statement was issued by the Propaganda
Department of the Central Committee of Chinese
Communist Party (CCP), News Agencies and the Internet
Supervision Departments.
Further control measures in the Mainland media require
all levels of news organizations to conduct a comprehensive
clean-up and rectification of local branch offices, cancel
all those correspondent stations which do not comply
with the requirements and dismiss illegally-employed staff.

Media observers have pointed out that serious corruption
exists in the field of news media.
However, the root cause is not reporters; the authorities
labelled the action as cleaning-up corruption
in the media field, but in fact took the opportunity
to strengthen supervision and control over the field.

According to the CCP’s Xinhua Network, the Propaganda
Department of the Central Committee of the CCP,
the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio,
Film and Television (SAPPRFT), and the State Internet
Information Office jointly held a special meeting requiring
each news agency to deploy “the clean-up and rectification"
of local offices.

The meeting noted that in recent years frequent problems
occurred with a number of news organizations who had
an excessive number of local agencies that privately hired
staff and conducted other illegal activities.
This became increasingly prominent, seriously damaging
the media atmosphere, eroding media credibility.
All of these produce bad social impacts.

The meeting required various types of news organizations
at all levels to carry out a comprehensive clean-up
on their local institutions, personnel
and business operations.
Those disqualified local offices are required to close
or merge, all illegal employment of staff shall be dismissed.

In this regard, many media sources said that corruption
in Chinese media was very serious, and the phenomena
of engaging in paid news reports and extortion
were indeed very common.

Jiao Guobiao, former associate professor of journalism,
Peking University: “Domestic news reporter stations
are very chaotic.

When many reporters visited the news targets,
they ate, took, looted, and extorted.
Their looting and extortion at their local offices
has become a very big problem.
Some reporterss are working to “bring income"
to their companies, some just utilize these opportunities
to create more personal income sources.

In fact what is the so-called creating more income?
This is called looting and extortion.”

Media sources also revealed that some media outlets
forced some enterprises to offer commissions,
otherwise they would denounce the enterprises
and report negative news about the enterprises.
If they were gifted generously, then they would give
positive publicity and praise.
But the media professionals have also pointed
to the existence of corruption.
The problem is not aimed at reporters, and the morality
of the entire media industry has ceased to exist.

Deutsche Welle quoted Mr. Li Datong, a senior Chinese
media professional and former editor of Freezing Point
Weekly who said that the root of corruption of Chinese
media is the CCP’s strict control of the news.
It causes journalists to be unable to work on the real
interview reports.
Therefore it is easy to fall into “dishonest or crooked" ways.

Jiao Guobiao: “The overall media pattern and media
institutional system are problematic.
The media at all levels are not able to completely execute
independent operations.
They cannot compete in professional journalism itself.

They have no way, because the environment
does not allow them to.
But they also have to survive, so how?
Then they developed these dishonest or crooked ways.
They establish correspondent stations, recruit
poor-quality reporters, and then go extort."

In this regard, Li Datong pointed out that even if the Chinese
authorities take the current “comprehensive clean-up"
approach, the effectiveness is very limited because
new problems will crop up.

Constitutional scholar Chen Yongmiao: “I can only say that
this measure in itself is a palliative action that does not cure
the root reason.

As long as the news is supervised and controlled,
this will inevitably produce news related corruption,
and there is no choice in the matter.

I think its regulating all sorts of media is to create a theft
in order to catch a thief, then finally finding out the old
poison did not work, and then added a new drug.
I think this is useless.”

In addition to the correspondent station in many places,
the conferences also stressed that all the local channels
of all media across all media websites shall be included
in the clean-up and rectification.
The key news website must be approved for setting up
local channels.
All other websites are not allowed to open local channels
or undertake the interviewing and editing business
of the local office of the news agencies.

All opened local channels and local correspondent
stations will all be removed.

Public opinion believes that this policy obviously applies
control of speech from the traditional media to new media.

China’s leading promoter of new media, Mr. Wen Yunchao,
pointed out that all news management policies issued by
Chinese authorities, whether to a traditional correspondent
station or new media reporter stations, are for further
enhancing control rather than developing professionalism.
