【禁闻】中共消极援助埃博拉 原因何在?


英国《每日电讯报》22号刊登一篇文章说,联合国“世界粮食计划署”(The World Food Programme,WFP)的官员,对中共和中国“一夜暴富”的亿万富翁,在西非爆发埃博拉后的反应,公开表示不满。



到目前为止,中共当局只向联合国最主要的“埃博拉援助基金”(Ebola relief fund)捐献了大约830万美元,而英国的捐款是1880万美元,美国则多达2亿美元。


在联合国人道事务协调办公室(Office the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs)的援助资金中,现在美国的捐款占了三分之一,但中共的捐款还不到百分之二。









采访/陈汉 编辑/陈洁 后制/舒灿

United Nations Dissatisfied With CCP’s Response to Ebola

In February of this year, Ebola broke out in West Africa
and continued to spread.
So far it has resulted in nearly 5,000 deaths.

Recently, an article in Britain’s Daily Telegraph says that
an agency of the United Nations continues to accuse
wealthy countries of not making full efforts to fight
against the Ebola virus.
It also criticizes Chinese authorities for failing to give
adequate assistance in this matter.

On Oct. 22, British Daily Telegraph published an article
stating that an official from the United Nations’ World Food
Program (WFP), publicly expressed dissatisfaction with the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and China’s billionaires
response to the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa.

The article quoted the words of WFP’s China correspondent
who said now it is a moment for China’s billionaires
to demonstrate their enormous influence,
but these millionaires have none.

The article says the CCP is a major investor in Africa.

The CCP knows they can expand their influence in Africa with
large commercial projects, but both the Chinese authorities
and private enterprises of China made a relatively slow
response to supporting the African’s fight against Ebola
by exerting their economic strength.

So far, the Chinese authorities only contributed
approximately $8.3 million to the UN’s Ebola Relief Fund,
while the UK contributed $18.8 million
and the United States as much as $200 million.

Chinese social problems researcher Mr Zhang Jian:
“When a major disaster takes place in the world,
China plays an insignificant role and contributes a little.

But for those countries which are also totalitarian
communist regimes or dictatorships, China is very generous,
such as North Korea, and the Khmer Rouge, who
at that time all received a lot of assistance from China.
All the assistance offered by China builds on the basis
of its supporting the dictatorship rather than really
on the basis of pursing welfare for the people."

The article says that the Beijing authorities have promised
to donate $34 million to this UN fund.
But until now the money has not been paid.

Of all the aid donation sources of the United Nations’ Office
for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs,
the US now accounts for a third,
but the CCP donated less than two percent.

The report says United States President Barack Obama
has repeatedly expressed his frustration
over the United Nations progress
to raise funds against Ebola.
For more than a week, he has been on the phone trying
to convince world leaders, hoping to raise more donations.

The World Health Organization (WHO) emergency
committee held a meeting in Geneva on Oct. 22 to discuss
the Ebola outbreak.

WHO says Ebola has so far killed at least 4,877 people.

Up until Oct. 19, 9,936 cases have been recorded
as infection cases.

WHO says the Ebola outbreak hit hardest
in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.
There is still a severe shortage of beds,
as well as support to help foreign medical teams.

Political affairs commentator Mr Wu Fan:
“Ebola spread very very fast, at an unimaginably fast speed
and will further expand.

If the world does not invest human resources and capital,
this will be a human disaster.
The most active investor is the U.S. which sent troops
and doctors, and has invested more than $200 million.
The United Nations will prepare to raise one billion dollars.

The United States has invested nearly a third,
but China contributed less than ten million.
China invests tens of billions of dollars in Africa,
but does not care about rescuing people.
It only cares about making money.
This is the Communist Party."

Wu Fan believes one reason that the Chinese Communists
do not actively offer aid may be that they want to take
this opportunity to weaken Europe and the United States,
and strengthen themselves.

Wu Fan: “It’s holding such a state of mind—
hoping trouble for the United States.
China earned so much money.

These billionaires left money to descendants,
and the Chinese government is the same.
So now the United Nations criticize them,
but these people are very audacious.
They do not care about your criticism.

They do not have the concept of rescuing other people,
just their own fortune."

Compared to the indifference of Chinese millionaires,
what did America’s wealthiest do?
According to a Daily Telegraph report on Sept. 11,
the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced on Sept. 10
that the foundation donated $50 million to support
West Africa against Ebola.
They had previously donated $10 million.

The Foundation said the money will be governed
by the UN, WHO, the United States Center
for Disease Control, as well as
other international organizations against Ebola.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/ShuCan
