【禁闻】“反占中”游行 有吃有喝有钱拿






另外,数千名游行者穿着统一的红制服,甚至还有人举着“中国共产党万岁” ,以及“今日你占中,明日在牢中”等明显带有大陆特征的标语。







中国历史学家余英时:“它目地很简单 ,它想说群众是支持北京的嘛,这实质上是唯一目地,它可以混淆数字,它可以夸大,它可以说它有几十万(群众),共产党这是常用的手法 ,这并不稀奇,共产党为了要取得它的主动权,它当然要表示人民站在它一边的。”

此外,亲共团体近一个月来发起全港“反占中”签名运动,声称近日内就能突破 150万人次。不过,签名活动从一开始,就出现很多漏洞,包括一人多签,还有市民举报,被中资企业、街坊福利会属下团体等强迫签名,而遭广泛置疑。

采访编辑/李韵 后制/李勇

Anti-Occupy Central Participants Get Free Food and Money

The Pro-Beijing camp in Hong Kong has organized a parade
demonstration in opposition to the Occupy Central activities.
The organizers claimed that over 190,000 people,
and 1,500 organizations participated in the parade.
Most of the participants are reportedly groups that crossed
the border from China just to participate.
A participant from Guangdong told our reporters that
organizers offered money and food to parade participants.

The “Anti-Occupy Central" (AOC) parade took place
in Hong Kong’s Victoria Park after lunchtime on Aug. 17.
It lasted for 5 hours.

The police announced that just over 11,000 participants
set off from the park after the activity.
The University of Hong Kong’s “Public Opinion Programme"
estimates that there were between 79,000
and 88,000 participants.

However, the head of the event organizer “Protect General
Election – Anti-Occupy Central Alliance," Zhou Rong,
says that the event had 193,000 participants.

CCP controlled media repeatedly reported on Aug. 18 that
the parade demonstrated to the outside world the so-called
“public opinion" of Hong Kong.

However, Beijing human right lawyer Teng Biao, who is
currently in Hong Kong, says that in reality, many
participants neither understood the purpose of the parade,
nor genuinely opposed to the Occupy Central movement.
Teng says it’s because of the CCP’s vast resources
and these people’s fear of antagonizing the so-called
“organizations" that they had to participate in the parade.

Teng Biao, Beijing human right lawyer: “The government
used a lot of resources like money and other material resources.

They used the form of political mobilization to create this
sham parade in Hong Kong.
The entire AOC is intended to mislead.

They used a rather unethical propaganda tactic, which is to
defame and derogatorily associate the ‘Occupy Central’
movement with violence.

This is why they keep saying ‘anti violence’.
This method of propaganda is rather underhanded."

Hong Kong’s Apple Daily reported that the AOC claims to be
anti-violence, but they can’t conceal their own violent nature.
Those opposed to the AOC movement raise slogans and signs
at the scene of the parade, but they had their signs snatched
away by the AOC parade participants.

Some participants even threw water bottles, medical oil,
medicine pills, eggs, flags and other miscellaneous objects
at the people who opposed the parade.

Thousands of the participants wore the same red clothing,
some even held banners saying, “Long Live the CCP,"
“Today you occupy central, tomorrow you occupy jail",
and other slogans that reflected the CCP’s party line.

Photos of the parade posted on the internet show that after
the parade dispersed, the scene was a huge mess
with large quantities of abandoned plastic cutlery,
signs and placards, and even flags littering the street.
Even the Chinese netizens themselves sarcastically commented
that the parade brought the behavior of Mainland China
to Hong Kong.

Various Hong Kong media reported that the participants of
the AOC parade had “food, drinks and money".
They not only had a bus for transport, pro-CCP organizations
also mass reserved at least seven hotels near the park.
They provide participants with food and drink and gave them
300 Hong Kong dollars as “transportation reimbursement".

Guangdong netizen Nicole, who participated in this AOC
parade, told NTD that a friend of hers has has been
encouraging her to go to the parade for the past week.

Nicole, Guangdong netizen: “He said that the parade gives
300 dollars, and would be held on 2pm of Aug. 17.
Seven or eight of us gathered at Mong Kok (in Hong Kong)
and then we went to Causeway Bay and were joined by others.
They all wore T-shirts saying, “Guangdong Dongguan (city)".

There were others around us whose shirts said “Association
of Guangdong Shanwei (city)," and cities such as Kaiping,
and Guangdong Fuoshan, and elderly people who were
all wore shirts saying “Association of Guangdong".

Nicole says that these people also came from mainland China.

This AOC parade is also very different
from the “July 1 parade".
Police set up roadblocks, and special passageways to facilitate
bus transports for this parade.
In the evening, they were treated to dinner, and given money.

Chinese historian Yu Yingshi says that Hong Kong, bordering
mainland China, is the only place where people can openly
protest the violent dictatorship of the CCP.

Yu says this is why CCP is willing to devote great resources
to organize the so-called “public movements".

Yu Yingshi, Chinese historian: “The purpose is simple.
It wants to say that the public supports Beijing.
This is its only goal. It can mess up the numbers, it can
exaggerate, it can say that there are hundreds of thousands
of participants.

This is a common method used by the CCP,
which isn’t at all surprising.
The CCP wants to gain the initiative, of course it wants to
demonstrate that the people are on its side."

Pro-CCP groups have been organizing a nationwide AOC
petition in Hong Kong for the past month, and claims
that it will soon hit the 150,000 signatures mark.

However, since the activity began,
there have already been noticeable problems.
There were duplicate signatures and there were citizens who
reported that they were compelled by Chinese enterprises,
groups under the Kaifong welfare associations and other
groups to support the signature event.
These cast shadows and doubts on the event.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/LiYong
