







“追查迫害法轮功国际组织”发言人汪志远指出,在99年7.20以后,江泽民等人动用整个国家机器对法轮功群体发起了“灭绝性迫害”,从最初他说三个月消灭法轮功,到后来的“持久战”和 “攻坚战”,到现在的“决战”,这种政策的不断改变,反映了迫害的穷途末路。







采访/田净 编辑/宋风 后制/舒灿

WOIPFG: CCP Launches New Persecution Policy

Since July 1999 to date, the CCP’s persecution
of Falun Gong has lasted 15 years.

Numerous Falun Gong practitioners have been subject
to detention, sentencing, forced brainwashing, torture
and even loss of their lives.

The CCP’s genocide and crimes against humanity have also
been exposed to the international community following
the persistent effort of Falun Gong practitioners
in clarifying the truth.

The CCP seemingly stopped publicly slandering Falun Gong.
But, has the policy of dealing with Falun Gong changed?

Please see our coverage.

World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun
Gong (WOIPFG) reported on Aug. 11 an investigation
of the CCP’s implementation of the persecution policy
of education and transformation against Falun Gong.

Early last year, the Central 610 Office released the 2013-2015
“decisive war" to educate and transform Falun Gong.

This policy has been implemented through 610 Offices
at all levels including the provincial, city, district, county,
street and village.

For example, last July, Hubei Province’s 610 Office held
provincial cadre in education and transformation.

Last September, Gansu Province promoted provincial
education and transformation, education classes,
and brainwashing classes throughout the province.

In January of this year, 610 Office of Yantai City, Shandong
Province, announced, “Those who reported Falun Gong
activities will receive appropriate rewards."

In May, the 610 Office of Jinan City sent text messages to the
public which read, “Trust the government TV news reports;
Do not believe, listen, or read any other information about
Falun Gong, which should be reported to local police station."

Under the instruction of the 610 Office, CCP’s justice,
education, and health organs also enacted similar tactics.

Many local organs in districts, streets and neighborhoods
also developed a policy to transform and investigate.

In fact, since the abolition of labor camps, the CCP has greatly
increased the number of brainwashing centers.

The number of Falun Gong practitioners forcibly brought
to brainwashing centers has also increased significantly;

Illegal detentions and sentencing have also drastically

WOIPFG spokesman Wang Zhiyuan: “From these triennial
policy changes, it is clear that, first of all, persecution
of Falun Gong, the genocide, has continued.
It is very cruel and evil.

Secondly, its persecution policy is pushing itself
towards disintegration."

Wang Zhiyuan explains, since Jiang Zemin launched
the genocide campaign against Falun Gong on July 20, 1999,
Jiang claimed to eradicate Falun Gong in three months
using the entire state machinery.

But, it later became a “protracted war" and “battle,"
and now a “decisive war."

These policy changes reflect the dead end of the persection.

Falun Gong Human Rights representative Chen Shizhong:
“With Jiang Zemin as the leader, Zhou Yongkang as leader,
Luo Gan as leader, Falun Gong has remained strong
through 15 years of persecution, but these people
are falling one by one.

What kind of “decisive war" is it talking about?"

Chen Shizhong indicates that after 15 years of effort,
Falun Gong practitioners have already changed the situation
both at home and abroad, and the first domino
in the disintegration of the CCP has fallen.

Chen Shizhong: “When Falun Gong practitioners filed
multiple international lawsuits against Bo Xilai, then Minister
of Commerce, Bo Xilai could not play his role as the Minister
of Commerce, but was banished to Chongqing.

Jiang Zemin had intended to arrange his post
at the Commerce, and then to the deputy prime minister."

Over the past 15 years, the core members who conducted
the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners such as Zhou
Yongkang, Li Dongsheng, Wang Lijun, Bo Xilai, Su Rong,
and Xu Caihou,
were quickly promoted for their active participation in Jiang’s
persecution policy, but now they have all become prisoners.

Chen Shizhong indicates that in 60 years of Communist
tyranny, the CCP has never failed in any
of its repression campaigns.

Falun Gong is the only one to withstand the most brutal
Communist persecution, and to reveal the truth to the world
about Falun Gong;

Falun Gong has established a glorious model to defuse hatred
and peacefully terminate large-scale persecution.

Chen Shizhong also points out that even though cadres from
Jiang’s faction continue the persecution of Falun Gong
in order to keep their positions, the more they mess around,
the faster they’ll be faced with liquidation.

Interview/TianJin Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/ShuCan
