【禁闻】打压微信公共账号 腾讯股票下跌















采访编辑/秦雪 后制/舒灿

Tencent’s Shares Fell as WeChat Becomes The CCP’s Next Media Censorship Target

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has released new
restrictions against users of instant messaging services.

It forcibly requires the services to impose the real-name
registration system.

Furthermore, the CCP has to approve posting or sharing
political news by netizens to their public messaging accounts.

Some Chinese comment that, from the crackdown on Weibo
last year to the move against WeChat this year,
the CCP is suppressing online speech in every aspect.

Tencent, the owner of popular communication platforms
WeChat and QQ, quickly saw a drop in stock price
after the CCP announced the new rules.

On Aug. 7, the CCP’s The State Internet Information Office
imposed new restrictions on Chinese movie stars, pop singers
and other celebrities which will not allow them to post
or share any political news on their public WeChat accounts.

The Xinhua News Agency said that this is the first ever
regulation against instant messaging services.

WeChat users with public accounts are now subject
to mandatory agreements that their posts must abide
by principles of upholding “socialism” and “state interest.”

Users are also required to use their real names to register,
which is implemented through a background check system.
Tencent Holdings Ltd. released WeChat on January 21, 2011.

Tencent said on Aug. 7 that it had deleted about 400 accounts
and 3000 “rumor-mongering” articles from an overall
of 5.8 million public WeChat accounts.

According to the Financial Times, as the owner of WeChat
and QQ, Tencent’s share fell by 3.5 percent to 128.3 HKD
($16.6) upon release of the CCP’s new rules.

Luo Yu, executive of Chongqing Ma Jia Culture
Communication Co., said the rules are against public
accounts only and do not apply to private talks for now.

Luo comments that, as public WeChat accounts work similarly
to media, the move is equivalent to extend news censorship
system to WeChat’s public accounts.

Luo said the CCP had been doing the same against BBS over
a decade ago, then websites, then Weibo and now Wechat.

Luo Yu, Executive of Chongqing Ma Jia Culture
Communication Co.: ”This is a typical move by the CCP.

Those rules were first used to control newspapers,
and later applied to radio and TV stations.

Any new media form will finally be imposed with
such restrictions.

Usually the rules are released some time
after new media forms come into being.
Usually the delay is about two years.”

Meng Yachun, a Beijing soccer club manager, comments that
the CCP’s Internet spies are found everywhere
in “WeChat,” Weibo and QQ groups.

Their job is to report “sensitive information.”
So the CCP’s crackdown comes in every aspect.

Meng Yachun, Beijing soccer club manager: “Some time ago,
many WeChat groups were forcibly disbanded
and the accounts deleted.

Things like this will occur more frequently in the future.

I believe that the CCP will bring more netizens
under police interrogation, especially against WeChat users.

I am also convinced that the CCP probably will use dirty
tricks to suppress most influential WeChat accounts and
celebrities, like what it had done against Charles Xue.

Meng Yachun comments that the CCP attempts to control
the Chinese society in every aspect without missing
any tiny places; however, the Internet era has made it
impossible for the party to keep its autocratic rule
by deceiving all civilians.

Meng said Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang were racing with time,
with their conscience and with improvement
of civilians’ wisdom.

Meng hopes Xi and Li choose to save their conscience
and leave themselves a good reputation in history.

Although the new rules are directed against Chinese
messaging services, some foreign communicating software
were also blocked in China since July 1.

Beijing claimed that they have concerns over the use
of these tools by “terrorists.”

Blocked tools include Line widely used in Japan
and KakaoTalk, a popular messaging app in Korea.

Korea’s Ministry of Science and Technology said in
a statement that, “Beijing told Seoul that it had blocked
some foreign messaging services through
which terrorism-related information was circulating.”

Meng Yachun: “The CCP or any autocratic regime is stupid.

Everyone knows that it wears no clothes, but it still pretends
to have got something on.

That is foolish.

In fact we are used to its campaign against social networks
such as twitter and facebook. There is nothing new.”

In 2013, Sina Weibo lost many users after the CCP’s
crackdown, resulting in many ups and downs
in Sina’s share price.

Interview & Edit/QinXue Post-Production/ShuCan
