【禁闻】美281号决议 公开谴责中共“活摘”


美国国会众议院外交委员会7月30号通过的“281号决议案”,包括: 公开谴责发生在中国的“强摘器官”行径﹔要求中共当局马上停止所有强摘囚犯器官的行为,议案还要求中共立即停止对法轮功精神修炼者持续15年的迫害,并且释放所有法轮功修炼者和其他良心犯。同时,议案还呼吁美国国务院在年度人权报告中,对“强摘器官”问题,进行更详细的分析。

美国众议院外委会主席埃德•罗伊斯(Ed Royce):“今天通过的这项议案,表达了坚定的立场,呼吁中共当局,停止这一行径。绝大多数中国人对这一状况尚不知情。”

美国众议院资深议员罗斯莱婷恩(Ileana Ros-Lehtinen):“很多中共官员被下达任务,要求消灭法轮功,殴打他们,关押他们,当他们被投入监牢后,再强行摘取他们的器官。这是令人恐怖的行径。这并非孤立的行为,而是中共有计划进行的。我们必须呼吁关注并令其停止。”


旅美中国社会问题研究人士张健﹕“海外的一些人现在…由将信将疑,到深信不疑,这是一个非常漫长的过程,而且在这过程当中,各个国际组织拿出了很多的证据,让世人终于看清楚了如此邪恶的一个政府,来对自己的人民进行这样有组织、有预谋的这样大规模的屠杀,而且是活体摘除(器官) ,这是前所未有的,犯下了人类历史上最大的一桩罪行。”







采访/朱智善 编辑/周平 后制/李勇

US House Resolution 281 Publicly Condemns the CCP’s Organ Harvesting

On July 30 the U.S. Congress House of Representatives
Committee on Foreign Affairs passed House Resolution 281
publicly condemning the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
forced organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners
and other prisoners of conscience.

It was signed by nearly 200 bipartisan
Congressional Members.
The resolution will now be submitted
to the House plenary to be voted on.

The U.S. Congress House of Representatives Committee
on Foreign Affairs passed Resolution 281 on July 30.
The resolution publicly condemns the forced
organ harvesting crimes in China;
demands Chinese authorities to immediately stop all acts
of organ harvesting on prisoners;
requests the CCP to immediately stop the 15 year
persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and to release
all Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners
of conscience.
Meanwhile, the Resolution also calls for the U.S. State
Department in its annual human rights report to highlight
the forced organ harvesting issue and give a more
detailed analysis.

U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee
Chairman Lord Ed Royce: “The Resolution passed today
takes a very strong stance.

They call on the government of the People’s Republic
of China to stop this.
Most people in China aren’t aware of this.”

U.S. House of Representatives Senior Member
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: “Many Chinese officials who have been
tasked with the assignment of eradicating Falun Gong
beat Falun Gong practitioners, arrest, detain and remove
their organs when they are in jail.

It’s horrific, and it’s not just an isolated practice.

It is planned by Chinese Communist regime
and we must call attention to it and put end to it."

Chairman of the New York-based Chinese Anti-Political
Persecution Alliance Liu Yinquan: “They took organs from
some innocent people who were in hospitals, detention
centers, and prisons and performed transplants
on those who needed them.

In this way, they profited, and this is very evil.

The international community is very against such behavior,
and have always firmly opposed and condemned it."

U.S.-based China affairs analyst Zhang Jian: “Some overseas
people went through a very lengthy process of skepticism,
acceptance, to firm belief.

And in this process, various international organizations
presented a lot of evidence.
The world was finally shown such an evil government
which carried out such a large scale massacre
of its own people in such an organized
and premeditated way.
Even more, this is forced (organ) harvesting,
which is unprecedented in human history.
This is the largest offense."

Liu Yinquan believes that when the former Chongqing Police
Bureau Head Wang Lijun fled into the American Consulate
in Chengdu, he disclosed the CCP’s crime of organ harvesting
from living Falun Gong materials and other details to the U.S.
Now, Zhou Yongkang, Chief of the CPC Central Politics
and Law Commission, has been investigated under a legal
prosecution case, and the international communities
naturally hope this matter can be fully revealed to the world.

Zhang Jian: “The United States House of Representatives
may use such an approach to give a very powerful
endorsement to the Communist Regime’s ‘catching tigers’
movement led by Xi Jinping.
This strongly supports Xi’s liquidation of all corrupt officials,
especially Jiang Zemin’s gang.
So on this issue, they have certainly privately reached
some understanding.
If the CCP was supported by the US, then the arrest
of ‘old tiger’ Jiang Zemin will be just around the corner."

Zhang Jian believes that the U.S. House of Representatives
on Foreign Affairs Committee passing House Resolution 281
is powerful evidence to prove the CCP’s persecution
of Falun Gong practitioners.

Zhang Jian: “Due to the large amount of ongoing peaceful
resistance, Falun Gong practitioners have grown
from a small cultivation group into a presence
in every corner of the world.
They tell the truth, disseminate Truthfulness, Compassion
and Forbearance, and promote their spiritual
philosophy in the world, which is very worthy
of our respect."

US-based Chinese commentators Li Shankan: “It is very hard
for good people in this world to actually believe that such
an evil exists in the world.

But for so many years, there have been constant new facts
and emerging evidence.
As the representative of American public opinion,
these congressmen will have to face this problem."

Meanwhile, Li Shankan believes that over the years, the CCP
has been using economic interests to confuse the world’s
people and is using rogue means to conceal and distort
the facts of persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
The Resolution has been passed by the United States,
which indicates that these CCP means are despicable.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/ZhoiPing Post-Production/LiYong
