【禁闻】点击量百万视频被查删 中共怕什么?



6月30号,香港歌手谢安琪(Kay Tse)在《YouTube》网站发表新歌《鸡蛋与羔羊》。谢安琪在影片中勇敢唱出:“成为奴隶,大劫在头上,不堪设想。A餐鸡蛋撞石墙,不怕壮烈下场,决不退让,B餐俯首做白羊,一世困在牧场。餐券这两张,怎么取向。人已到了决志现场,再拖便遭殃。”



据了解,《问谁未发声》改编自外国民间抗争运动经常播放的曲目《Do you hear the people sing?》,先后有童声版、少女版以及新MV版三个版本。









采访/朱智善 编辑/陈洁 后制/陈建铭

Propaganda Department Deletes Two Cantonese Videos

In a secret order, Central Propaganda Department recently
deleted two Cantonese Videos: “Eggs and Lamb"
and “Who has yet voiced?"

Both Youtube videos have won nearly a million hits.

But, why does the CCP suppress these two popular videos?
What is it afraid of?

Please follow our analysis report.

According to China Digital Times, run by School of Information,
University of California, Berkeley, CCP propaganda department
has issued secret order on July 2 to delete two Cantonese videos.

One is “Eggs and Lamb" and the other is “Who has yet voiced?"

June 30, Hong Kong singer Kay Tse published her new song,
Eggs and Lamb, on YouTube. Kay bravely sings :
“Become a slave, major disasters on the head, would be
Meal A, “eggs hit the wall," no fear of heroic end, never give in;
Meal B, “bow to become a lamb," trapped in a pasture.

Two vouchers, what to choose.
Decision time, any delay ends with suffering."

This video was released on the eve of July 1 parade.

The song seems to sound on the behalf of Hong Kong people
regarding the current situation in Hong Kong.

As of July 6, the video received more than 740,000 views.

Hong Kong writer Zhang Chengjue: “Propaganda is
to control civil opinion, any rhetoric or ideology not welcomed
by the CCP is not allowed to affect people.

When Liu Bang and Xiang Yu were at the decisive moment
during the Gaixia battle, the Chu song defeated Xiang Yu.

To the CCP, either song has the same effect.

If all Hong Kongers stand up, the so-called Pro-Beijing camp
in Hong Kong will be surrounded by people
and become ineffective in their role."

“Who has yet voiced?" was adapted from the sound track
“Do you hear the people sing?"

It has three Cantonese versions sung by a child, a girl,
and the new MV.

May 25, the new MV “The child asks: Who has not awakened?"
was released to YouTube.

A little girl in the film sings: “I ask who has yet voiced.
Everyone sworn to guard my city, born with rights to have
the heart to make decisions,
who will resign to fate and be silent?
I ask who has yet awakened, hear the true freedom sonata,
stimulate the conscience hard to go against and resonate."

“I ask who has yet voiced" was first specially distributed
on the Facebook of “Occupy Central with love and peace."

A Hong Konger left a message: “My child, what have we adults
built for you? Is there freedom, human rights, and social justice?

Your singing, not as sad and strong as the original,
but each word is making my heart bleed."

This video is also being forwarded in Weibo and online forums.

Some netizens said it’s shaming to have a child tell
adults that “As a human beings, we have the responsibility
and freedom to choose the future."

Zhu Xinxin, former Hebei People’s Radio Editor:
“These two songs reflect the voice of the people, we need to make
our own voices heard.

They also express a resolute decision against autocratic

That is why they have caused such a strong reaction.

They frighten the authorities.

The CCP fears ideological and spiritual rebellion
from the people.

At the same time, they are the voices that inspire people
the spirit of resistance, which is particularly scary to the CCP."

Hong Kong’s massive July 1 Parade and the arrests have given
the international community concern over a series of problems
since the handover of Hong Kong to China 17 years ago.

The CCP have gone mad in deleting relevant online information.

Zhang Chengjue: “It fears the songs will further awaken people
in Hong Kong.

It is also frightened how it could affect the 1.3 billion Chinese
on the mainland.

Especially, the song, “I ask who has yet voiced" is clearly
opposing the tyranny.

Zhongnanhai is certainly very concerned
at the situation in Hong Kong."

Zhu Xinxin: “In this final stage of rule, it is natural
that even a song could frighten the regime.

The extreme weakness of the regime is obvious.

The more it is frightened, the more suppression it will conduct."

July 4, Hong Kong police arrested 5 members of Civil Human
Rights Front, the organizer of the July 1 Parade.

On July 6, Hong Kong Correspondents Association published
“2014 Annual Report on Freedom of Speech," and indicated
that press freedom in Hong Kong had its worst year
for decades.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/Chen Jianming
