
【新唐人2014年07月04日讯】香港特首立法会 遭集体离场抗议

















Pan-democrats Staged a Walkout in Hong Kong Parliament

On July 3, Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying
went to a session of the Legislative Council in Hong Kong.
Pan-democrats staged a walkout, with some throwing
objects at Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying.

According to Hong Kong media reports, Mr Leung entered
the chamber at 9am.
Pro-democracy legislators raised placards and shouted
“Real democracy, no screening!”
He was requested to answer questions about the July 1
march and the general election.
Some councilor requested him to step down.

Councilor Albert Chan threw paper stars at
Leung Chun-ying.
The more radical Wong Yuk-man threw his papers
and even a glass apparently.

These councilors were removed from the conference hall.
The other 20 pan-democrats left together to protest.

Some analysts said the Hong Kong government must
respond to the public opinion of real universal suffrage.
If not, Hong Kong will step into a confrontation.

Hong Kong People Support Arrested Students

The action of 511 students arrested during the Occupy Central
rehearsal continues to bubble.
Hone Kong people condemned the police behavior.

The people have strong reactions because most of those
arrested are University students.
On July 3, a group of scholars issued a joint statement to be
proud of the students,.
They called on the Beijing authorities and the Hong Kong
government to address the students’ demands.
According to Radio Free Asia report, over five
thousand people signed the petition.

On July 4, the Hong Kong academic world will hold a
press conference.
This will be under Scholars Support People and Disobedient
Students supporting those arrested from occupy central event.

Hong Kong social work organization Minfu 60 also issued a
statement supporting those who participated in the activity.
Spokesman Lo Kin-hei said they want the arrested students
to know they are not alone.

Focus Group Set up in Support of Real
Universal Suffrage in Hong Kong

Mainland Chinese are concerned about the
Hong Kong situation.
A group of mainland activists have set up a focus group for
universal suffrage supporting the fight for democratic elections.

According to Radio Free Asia, the group has more than 30
They include mainland human rights lawyers, scholars
and university professors.
However, the list is not good to announce now in addition to
well-known activist Hu Jia and Shanghai human rights lawyer
Zheng Enchong.

Zheng Enchong said the focus group will send the facts
from Hong Kong to the mainland by Wechat.
They will make people aware of a real Hong Kong by breaking
the mainland blockade.
They will also support Hong Kong people on the real election
in various ways.

Hu also said the group is to support Hong Kong not only
from overseas but for mainland people who are in danger.

Zheng Enchong was summoned by police for 5 hours last
Saturday for setting up the focus group.
This Wednesday, his family was removed by the state
security and a police raid.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
