【禁闻】徐才厚全家被抓 政变有他一份?

【新唐人2014年6月30日讯】编者按: 中共官方6月30日首次公开宣布徐才厚被开除党籍。据新华社报导,原中共中央军委副主席徐才厚因〝严重违纪〞被开除党籍,送交检察机关处理。以下为新唐人之前关于徐才厚案情的报导。




徐才厚卸任后的数个月里,没有公开露面。有报导说,徐才厚的隐身,与被调查的总后勤部副部长谷俊山有关。 报导说,徐才厚不仅收受谷俊山钜额贿赂,还买官卖官,提拔了不少军中将领。













采访编辑/刘惠 后制/李智远

Xu Caihou’s Family Arrested: Was He Involved in Military Coup?

Domestic and international media have
reported about the arrest of Xu Caihou in China.
Xu is a former Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) Central Committee member and Vice
Chairman of Central Military Commission.
His family members and secretary were also arrested.
Xu’s arrest took place immediately after CCP leader
Xi Jinping chaired the new leading group for deepening
reforms on national defense and the military.

Observers indicate that Xu is not
only a corrupt official in the military.
He is also connected to the military coup
that was planned by former CCP officials
Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai to oust Xi Jinping.

On March 19, CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping
acted as leader of the new team for deepening
reforms on national defence and the military.
South China Morning Post reported that
dozens of armed police took Xu Caihou
away from Beijing 301 Hospital on March 15.
Xu’s wife, daughter, and secretary were also taken away.

Xu was born in 1943, and achieved the rank of Admiral.
His military career started to thrive in 1992,
when Jiang Zemin, then Central Military
Commission (CMC) Chairman, promoted Xu.

Xu was the Commissar of Group 16, and became
Deputy Director of the General Political Department,
after it’s Director Yang Baibing was removed.

Later on, Xu was promoted to be a member of
the CMC, Secretary of CMC Discipline Inspection,
Vice Chairman of CMC, and member of the Politburo.

Xu retired in 2012.

Xu didn’t appear in public for months after his retirement.

Reports suggested Xu’s disappearance was
related to the investigated of Gu Junshan.
Gu was Vice Minister of the General Logistics Department.

Xu not only received huge bribes from Gu, but
also traded officer positions, the reports say.
Xu promoted several generals in the military.

Xu reappeared in public on January 20 this year.

Mainland media Caixin published an article, “Promoted
5 levels in 8 years, Who is supporting Gu Junshan?"
Hu Shuli, Chief Editor of Caixin, said that “Gu Junshan’s
corruption was shocking, but was just the tip of the iceberg."

Hua Po, Beijing political commentator: “If Gu Junshan
is a small tiger, there must be a bigger tiger behind him.
Xu Caihou is responsible, as Vice Chairman of CMC and
leader of discipline and inspection, and human resources.
But, there must be more tigers
behind Xu, such as Zhang Wannian.
Gu was Zhang’s driver, and Zhang works for Jiang Zemin.
We can say that a corrupt element promoted another
corrupt element, with shadowy processes all along the way."

International media say that Xu is a good student of
Jiang Zemin, and supporter of removed official Bo Xilai.
Xu was also an important political ally of Zhou Yongkang.

Zhou was former Secretary of the
Central Political and Law Commission.

According to people from Gu’s hometown, he was originally
logistics department section chief in the local military district.
Gu found a way to buy oil from Zhongyuan
Oilfield and sold it at a high price.
This allowed Gu to gain his first pot of gold.

Hong Kong media suggest that when Gu was detained
for investigation,he exposed that he had given Xu a
Mercedes Benz car, with over 100 kg of gold in the car.

Gu also gave Xu a debit card that had 20 million
yuan on it, as a gift for Xu’s daughters wedding.

Gu also exposed that he not only bribed Xu
with money, but also with female celebrities.
Singer Tang Can, mocked as a “public mistress",
entered into the military due to Xu’s support.
35-year-old Tang Can got a special offer
from the Beijing Military District Art Troupe.
She was awarded the rank of colonel,
enjoying treatment of Deputy division-level.
By ‘selling herself’, she collected information from
CCP high levels, for Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang.

Former director of Chongqing Public Security Bureau,
Wang Lijun, fled to the U.S. consulate in Feb. 2012.
Wang expose the coup plan of Zhou and Bo.
Xu Caihou was also deeply involved.

Recently, information suggests Xu has
10 billion HK dollar stored in Hong Kong.

Last year, a 22-year-old girl and a trusted aide
was dispatched to Hong Kong by Xu’s wife.
This was for the purpose of money
laundering, but she was arrested.
She fled to mainland China under Xu’s daughter’s protection
after her release on bail, which cost 30 million HK dollar.

Wu Fan, Chief Editor of China Affairs: “Xi Jinping wants to
rectify the military. Otherwise the military doesn’t listen to him.
Xi’s life is threatened. He seems to be taking further
control and crackdown on Jiang Zemin’s faction.
Xu Caihou has advanced cancer. I don’t think he’ll be in prison.
So they house arrested him to get information from him."

Information suggests that high level CCP officials once
considered to let Xu go, due to advanced bladder cancer.
But the delay on punishing Xu made
Gu Junshan’s case difficult to progress.
This triggered a lot of anger in the military from those
who condemned Xu’s corruption, and who urge reform.

Commentators believe that only by punishing Xu Caihou,
can the CCP put an end to Gu Junshan’s case.

Interview & Edit/Liu Hui Post-Production/Li Zhiyuan
