【禁闻】陆民送花圈遭射杀 上百目击者联名喊冤




















3月中旬,中共最高法院院长周强谈到,因正当防卫杀死两名城管的沈阳小贩夏峻峰时,说﹕不杀夏俊峰会天下大乱。网民们回应: 杀了一个夏俊峰,会有千千万万个夏俊峰站起来。

采访/熊斌 编辑/李韵 后制/李勇

Protester Gunned down, Eyewitnesses Testify Grievances

A resident of Zhenxiong town, Yunnan Province, Fang Jiushu
was gunned down by the police on his way to protest at the
Town Hall, with wreath and banners in his truck.

While the public condemn the police killing, Yunan authorities
claimed the police act was legal.
Eyewitnesses reveal that the victim was wrongfully killed.
Legal experts suspect manslaughter by Zhenxiong town police.

Mainland media reported that on May 15, Zhenxiong town
police shot and wounded a driver who crashed into the market

The driver died after rescue effort failed.
Local police station commended the police who opened fire.

Zhaotong City Public Security Bureau Information Office of
Yunnan Province claimed that police act on the 20th
was timely and legal.

Fang Jiucheng, the victim’s brother told NTD: The police have
obviously confused right and wrong.

Fang Jiucheng, the victim’s brother: “The town hall staff said
that our petition was wrong and told us to leave.
When we got on the police car, there were more than 10
special police.
They opened fire when many people gathered around us.
I was in the police car, they restricted my activity."

Fang Jiucheng indicates that the killing has caused a public
More than 100 witnesses have testified with their thumb prints
and prepared a joint letter of justice for the victim, Fang Jiushu.

The letter describes that prior to his death, Fang Jiushu did
not intend to hurt the crowd, but only wield his saber against
the police who tried to control him and got on the truck
But the police broke the window with a bench and opened fire
to kill the man inside the vehicle.

Hua Po, Beijing Chinese politics observer: “The disagreement
between the official and the unofficial statements needs
evidence to find out the differences."

Chinese senior legal expert Zhao Yuanming indicates that
when the victim did not impose a threat to the lives of others
whether he had blocked the town hall with his truck or he
had brandished a saber, the police opening fire has
constituted the crime of ‘suspected of intentional homicide’
or ‘intentional injury’.

Zhao Yuanming, Chinese senior legal expert: “The police are
held accountable when the use of a gun has caused undue loss.
Otherwise, unlimited police powers are threats to the Xi and
Lee regime itself."

The victim’s wife Zhou Xune told mainland media on the 18th
that Fang Jiushu had been involved in a dispute with the local
power company which built transmission lines through his
home and the land he had contracted without appropriate

Zhenxiong propaganda office deputy director Ren Xiongtao
said that the Fangs had made known the situation to the town hall
and the county hall many times.

On April 1, Fang Jiushu blocked the traffic with his truck to
deter the grid construction, and was detained for 30 days on
the crime of suspicion of provocation, while Fang Jiucheng was
detained for 15 days.

When the two were released, the power company had
completed the project.
On May 15, the two brothers and Zhou Xune drove a truck
loaded with wreaths and banners stating that “Fang Jiucheng
was kept in black jail", “Fang Jiushu was kept in black jails."

Their visit to the town hall triggered a crowd of hundreds.

Subsequently, in the confrontation with police, Fang Jiushu
waved a saber and was shot and killed

Liu Weiguo, Chinese lawyer: “If his waving saber was to
threaten or to defend, rather than to stab, there is no need to open
If there is another way to prevent possible damage,
there is still no need to use firearms."

Chinese Internet users show their fear over the police opening
fire at will.
Lawyer Yi Shenghua wrote: “I was lucky not to get gunned
down on the spot when I sent the wreath to the court."
Netizen Meow Eyes wrote: Watch out, petitioners. This is an
example. The government believes petitioners are the rioters.
Gunned down is legal and a celebration to them!

Since April, counter-terrorism exercises have been conducted
throughout China.
The around the clock armed patrols have also started in many
The Ministry of Public Security also requires police to practice
the one-shot to kill.

Hua Po indicates the Communist regime has armed the police
to deal with the highly intensified civil confrontation with the
ordinary people as the main targets.

Hua Po: “These extreme measures are useless.
When people are pushed to the dead end, gun-down a few of
them won’t save the world.
Just like what Zhou Qiang said, the world will run into chaos
without killing Xia Junfeng.
However, I believe that the world will still run into chaos
with Xia Junfeng being killed."

In mid March, the President of the Supreme People’s Court
Zhou Qiang spoke of the Shenyang hawker Xia Junfeng who
killed two local urban management staffs: The world will run
into chaos if Xia Junfeng is not killed.
Netizens responded: One Xia Junfeng is killed, but there will
be thousands and thousands of Xia Junfengs to stand up.

InterviewXiong Bin Edit/Li Yun Post-Production/Li Yong
