【禁闻】“棋子的游戏” 美FBI拍中共特工故事



美国“国家情报总监”办公室,最近上传影片分享网站“YouTube”的一部短片,受到美国《华盛顿邮报》、《纽约时报》、《时代》杂志、和《商业周刊》等媒体的注意,纷纷加入报导。这部“棋子的游戏–格伦•达菲•施赖弗故事”(GAME OF PAWNS – The Glen Duffie Shriver Story),以戏剧方式,描述了这名年轻人在中国发生的故事。



可是,他还没能获得美国政府的任何职务,也没能接触到任何敏感信息,就已经被逮捕。 2011年初,联邦法庭判处他4年有期徒刑。









采访/陈汉 编辑/周平 后制/李勇

“Game of Pawns": FBI videoing CCP spies

“China’s Spies Threats" are frequently seen in reality.

US Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) recently managed
to make a roughly half hour video,
to be used for warning American students studying
in China not to be trapped by Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s)
tricks and not become CCP spies.

The video is edited from a true story.
The FBI hopes American students who are preparing to study
in China watch the video and understand
when they could be targeted for recruitment as spies.

A 28-year-old American youth was arrested
when he was going to visit South Korea by air
in June of 2010. He was accused of receiving funding
from the CCP’s intelligence department, and
“attempt to sell American defense information to China."

The Office of the Director of US National Intelligence recently
uploaded the video story on Youtube and this was noticed
by the Washington Post, New York Times,
Time Magazine and Business Weekly.
This “Game of Pawns-The Glen Duffie Shriver Story"
in film form describes the young guy’s experience in China.

Shriver studied international relationships in college
and once studied in Shanghai. After graduation in 2004,
he returned to Shanghai to study Chinese
and look for a job.
According to a recruitment advertisement,
he wrote an article about Sino-USA relationships
and then he met Mr Wu and Mr Tang.
Both of them gave him several thousands of US dollars
and urged him to apply for a job in the American Government.

Shriver returned to America in 2005.
During the following 5 years, he attended recruitment tests
at some important American governmental departments
including the State Department, the Central Intelligence Agency etc.,
but he failed.
During the period, he liaised with the CCP’s intelligence officials
and got a total of 70,000 US dollars.

However, even though he could not fill any position
in the American government,
neither contact any sensitive information,
he was arrested. At the beginning of 2011,
a Federal Court sentenced him to four-year’s in jail.

The former China intelligence official Mr Li Fengzhi:
“the intelligence invasion and anti-intelligence fight
between China and America seems to become more fierce
with more conflicts as well as more correlated stakes.
So whether the CCP deny it or not, the CCP must
try their best to obtain intelligence information about the USA.
In other words, the CCP must develop American youths,
especially young students to become spies.
There might be more (cases) not revealed.
There should be more evidence controlled
by the FBI to support the argument."

At the end of the video, Shriver in jail says:
“If someone gives you money, but it looks like
you don’t need to do anything for receiving the money,
then there might be an invisible bait hidden inside."

American China society researcher Mr Zhang Jian:
“We can see many surrounding American kids are
very unsophisticated. So when they go to China
they are possibly in the mud of the CCP
and unable to get rid of it.
Meanwhile I think the FBI should use a mild way
to warn the CCP against brainwashing Americans.
In fact, the FBI also in the video warned those Chinese
who have American citizenship or permanent residency
but largely sing praises for the CCP."

The New York Times cited a new report published
by Associated Press in 2011, during three years since 2008,
there were at least 57 Americans alleged
by American Federal procurators
and these accused people were suspected
to provide “Chinese spies,
Chinese governmental departments, individuals
or business organizations" with confidential intelligence,
sensitive techniques or business confidentiality etc.

The former Chinese diplomatic official Mr Chen Yonglin:
“From this point, it could be seen that the CCP
is very interested in intelligence about the USA.
Because the diplomatic relationship with the USA is
the predominant aspect of China’s foreign affairs.
So the CCP are very interested in the latest updating
about the USA, especially related to high-tech
intelligence information, military intelligence information."

The FBI also produced a four and half minute video
interviewing Shriver. The video is called
“Not to be chess pawns: warn students overseas."

The video lists four routine tricks applied
by the CCP intelligence staff.
First is to be friendly telling you: “Do you need any help?
Don’t worry, just want to make friends with you."
Secondly, please be careful of those guys
whose name cards only give their names and telephones.
Thirdly, they are very interested in your future.

Finally, please mind those people
giving you money without requirements.

Shriver says: “please don’t deceive yourself.
The spy recruiters are very active
and their targets are the young people—
they would like to spend a lot of money on the target
and wait for you to bite the bait."

Interview/Chen Han Edit/Zhou Ping Post-Production/Li Yong
