【禁闻】国界线11段变9段 菲律宾何告中国














采访编辑/刘惠 后制/陈建铭

Philippines vs. China – Sparks Fly Over Disputed Water

When Xi Jinping received an historical map from the German
a Philippine government vessel maneuvered around the
disputed reef in the South China Sea delivering
provisions to Philippine troops stationed in the area.

The Philippines filed a case against China on Sunday at an
arbitration tribunal in The Hague,
indicating that Beijing violated the U.N. Convention on the
Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
The nine-dotted line, covering the sovereignty claimed by the
CCP in the South China Sea used to be eleven-dotted-lines.
Who altered it? Who betrayed the territory of the
Chinese people?
Let´s take a look.

On March 28, the Philippine vessel evaded two Chinese
coastguard ships trying to block its path to deliver food, water
and fresh troops to a military outpost on the shoal, Ren’ai reef.

On March 29, the Manila government also submitted to the
tribunal evidence of 4,000 pages
accusing Beijing of breaching the UNCLOS with its
nine-dotted line territory claim in the South China Sea.

According to historical records, after World War II,
the Republic of China as the victor country,
the then Nationalist Government retrieved the South China
Sea islands from Japan and conducted field investigations
and measurements.

In 1947, naming of the islands was completed.

In 1948, a map of the South China Sea and Islands labeled
with eleven-dotted lines as the demarcation line was published.
No objection was raised even decades after the map was

In order to win over the Communist Vietnam, the CCP deleted
two dotted lines in the northern gulf in 1953.
The eleven-dotted lines became nine-dotted lines.

In 1982, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
regulated that every State has the right to establish the breadth
of its territorial sea up to a limit not exceeding 12 nautical miles.

It was a clear boundary violation of the sovereignty of the East
China Sea and the South China Sea and the Islands of the Republic
of China.

However The CCP participated in the Convention,
and signed and recognized the agreement.

Chris Wu, China Affairs magazine Editor-in-Chief:

“Which one to follow? The eleven dotted lines was an historical
presentation of the territory, included the islands occupied by
Japan during WWII.

After Japan was defeated, they were returned to the
Republic of China, and later to the Communist regime.
But, for a long time the CCP cared nothing for those
islands which were then occupied by the Philippines and
Vietnam. But,now the conflict arises.

If you want to follow the UNCLOS, you´ll have to give
up on the nine-dotted line."

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei responded that
China would not accept arbitration,
and that China was committed to managing and resolving
relevant issues through dialogue.

Hu Ping, US-based columnist and commentator: “The CCP
will insist on not giving up,
but know well that it is probably untenable, because their
force is limited.
There´ll be some flexibility and compromises, but still being
insistent on the talks."

Chris Wu: “If the Communist Party abandons it, then they are
the traitors.
They become the black sheep for giving up on their own territory.

I am strongly anti-communist. I am a nationalist and I want
to protect China’s assets."

On March 28, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel,
presented the visiting Chinese President, Xi Jinping, with a map
of China from 1735 drawn by the German missionaries and
French missionaries.
The map showed China’s 13.5 million square kilometers of
territory, including the South China Sea.

The publicized map was a surprise to the people in China after
decades of rule by the CCP.
People were shocked to discover the vast loss of Chinese
territory following the rule of the CCP
by comparing the 1735 map with that of the Republic of China
map, and the current one under the CCP rule.

Li Yuanhua, historian: “The CCP has betrayed China by
giving up on Mongolia, the junction with the Soviet Union,
and areas of South Asia.

This betrayal has started since 1949.
1989 was the most blatant when Jiang Zemin came to power.
He gave up territory equivalent of dozens of Taiwans to Russia."

In 1979 Deng Xiaoping launched the Sino-Vietnamese War to
seize military power.
Civil figures revealed hundreds of thousands of Chinese
soldiers were killed in this border war.
However, 20 years later, the border areas of battle such as
Laosan of Yunnan Province and Faka Hill of Guangxi Province
were given to Vietnam by Jiang Zemin in 1999.

Since then, those who died for the border war were forever
buried in a foreign territory.

Interview/Liu Hui Post-Production/Chen Jianming
