





马来西亚警方于当地时间15号中午,搜索了失联航班机长的家。机长扎赫里•艾哈迈德•沙阿(Zaharie Ahmad Shah),今年53岁。



“英国广播公司”(BBC)确认,根据它们从“国际海事卫星组织(Inmarsat Plc)”了解到的信息,这个组织在这架飞机失联后至少5小时,还曾收到过飞机发送的自动讯号。



实际上,3月14号美国五角大楼就证实,美国据马来西亚政府要求,派海军前往印度洋搜救MH370。美军使用了最新最先进的海上侦察机,搜救区域是印度洋的安达曼海(Mer d’andaman)和孟加拉湾(La baie du Bengale)。






采访/易如 编辑/宋风 后制/舒灿

The Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Hijacked

After more than a week of searching for the missing Malaysia
Airlines MH370, many international media confirmed, after
disappearing from radar, MH370 crossed the Strait of Malacca
and took the north-west direction.
The plane continued in the air for six hours.
Malaysian officials are convinced that the plane was hijacked.
Search and rescue teams expanded the search on the 14th
to the Indian Ocean.
Please see our reports.

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak revealed on March 15:
The communications systems of missing flight MH370 were
deliberately disabled, and the route diverted, to the northwest;
the last signal from the plane was 08:11 local time,
although a precise location was unknown.

International media such as AP and Sky TV have reported
that the Malaysian official revealed investigators’ conclusion:
a pilot or someone capable of aviation has hijacked MH370.

The official who refused to reveal his name said that the motivation
and location where the plane was hijacked remain unknown.

The official said the hijacking was confirmed by the military radar.

On Saturday noon, police searched the home of the captain,
53-year-old Zaharie Ahmad Shah.

Chris Wu, Chinese Affairs magazine editor-in-chief:
“The question was why they did it. It is now a criminal case,
a hijacking. It’s not an accident."

Chris Wu asks if the plane crashed into the ocean or landed.

According to British satellite telecommunications company
Inmarsat Plc analysis, MH370 sent signals for five hours after
last contact.

BBC reported that signals indicated the plane was intact and
moving during the time the signals were emitted.

According to CNN’s report, “That a classified analysis of
electronic and satellite data suggests the flight likely crashed
either in the Bay of Bengal or elsewhere in the Indian Ocean.”

“The analysis used radar data and satellite pings to calculate
that the plane diverted to the west, across the Malayan peninsula,
and then either flew in a northwest direction toward the Bay of
Bengal or southwest into the Indian Ocean.”
“There is probably a significant likelihood the plane is on the
bottom of the Indian Ocean.”

In fact, the Pentagon on 14 March confirmed that upon
Malaysian Government’s request, the USS Kidd destroyer,
which has helicopters aboard, will be moved to the western tip
of the Malacca Strait, where it meets the Andaman Sea,
to join the search and rescue effort.

Ren Baiming, commentator: “Now the truth has gradually
emerged, in fact, the Malaysian government intended to conceal
the fact, the firsthand information."

Commentator Ren Baiming indicates that when the international
community shifted the search upon the new phase of the missing
aircraft, why the CCP media continue to stress the search in the
South China Sea is difficult to understand.

Chinese netizens commented: The media competition during
the Malaysia Airlines incident, the CCP state media has failed.
Almost all of the dry goods were offered by the international
media such as New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Reuters,
and BBC.

Their reports put pressure on the Malaysia government,
and that’s the soft power. That is the true soft power.

Ren Baiming suspects a connection of the MH370 hijacking
to the CCP for the time sensitivity– it happened during the CCP
congressional meetings, the focus prior to the meetings,
Zhou Yongkang’s case and the focus now with majority of
passengers on board being Chinese.

The motivation of this hijacking and where the incident will lead
are yet to be seen.

Interview/Yiru Edit/Shongfeng Post-Production/Shuchan
