
【新唐人2014年02月13日讯】跨入2014年后,中国人关注的不再是房价的升和降问题,而是锁定在 “房地产泡沫是否会破裂”的问题上。不久前,中共住建部副部长在演讲中说,“中国离房地产崩溃时间还有一些日子,此时要是能想明白,采用微调的方法还可以调节。”而普通民众都想知道,中国房地产泡沫会在2014年破裂吗?



香港“中原地产代理有限公司”(Centaline Property Agency Limited)的报告显示,今年1月,“中原地产”所监测的大陆25个三线城市,新建住宅的成交量,创下了6个月来的新低,14个四线城市,新建住宅成交,也是11个月新低。











采访/常春 编辑/宋风 后制/孙宁

Is China’s Financial “Avalanche" About to Tumble

In 2014, the Chinese people are not concerned about whether
house prices rise or fall, but about the property bubble bursting.
Recently, the CCP deputy Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural
Development said:
“It might be adjusted by fine tuning since we still have some time
before the Chinese real estate collapse."
However, people all want to know if the property bubble
will burst in 2014.

Shanghai Securities News, didn’t agree with the Deputy
Minister saying:
“fine-tuning can adjust the real estate market crash"
and pointed out that “fine-tuning can only delay the crash
not really prevent it", because China missed the best
opportunity in early 2009 for the real estate regulation.

Director of the State Council’s Development Research Centre Li
Wei also revealed at “World Industrial and Commercial
Organizations Forum" that: the real estate bubble began
to burst at third and fourth tier cities since housing price
started to decline at Wen Zhou, Ordos, etc.

Li Wei admitted that real estate has become the most unpredictable
factor in China’s Economic Growth.

The report of Hong Kong, Centaline Property Agency Ltd
shows that: in January, new housing turnover hit the lowest
point in six months in 25 third-tier cities monitored
by “Centaline";
the new residential transactions also hit the lowest
point of 11 months in the 14 four-tier cities.

Sanya property market has had a cold start with volume and price
decline for the first week of 2014.
Commercial housing contracts declined 24.82%; contracted
area fell 39.87%; average price of contracted residential fell 12.80%.

Continental Real Estate planner “Chopper" pointed out that the
main problem of China’s real estate is the completely confused
guiding ideology.
It regards the Chinese people as an oil mill to consume all the
money, resulting in a severe atrophy of domestic demand.

“Chopper" said that Hong Kong’s richest man Li Ka-shing left
the real estatebusiness;
a lot of hot money has also been withdrawn from real estate.

However, China relies on the flow of funds pretty much and runs
real estate as a financial product:
An inflow of funds may boost the housing price and an outflow
of capital may reduce prices.

“CCTV" financial commentator, financial columnist “Chopper":
“it should be this year or next that housing prices suddenly
crash taking everyone by surprise.
It’s like Japan’s bubble bursting without any other alternative. “

The 2000-2006 best Asian economist Dr. Xie Guozhong; voted
by U.S. financial magazine “Institutional Investor",
also believes that China’s real estate bubble is bursting;
prices will fall by 50% in 2014.

“Chopper" writing in an article said the Japanese real estate bubble
bursting was the ultimate bubble and is still in the doldrums
20 years after bursting.

The signals before the Japanese burst: one was the Japanese Yen stopped
rising which is very similar to the current RMB;
another was the bubble into the country, like the current Chinese of
migrant workers, and their hard earned money slashed;
the other was the flight of capital.

But “Chopper" also said that there are two differences in
the “ultimate bubble" between China and Japan:
one is that the Chinese bubble is due to China central bank issuing
money; the other is that the Chinese bubble is typically plunder of the
national wealth by Business-Government Collusion.

“Chopper" believes that the serious consequence of the China
bubble bursting is that people’s lives will plunge into crisis.

Economics Professor of the University of South Carolina,
China expert ,Xie Tian said:
“the China real estate bubble is the biggest bubble in human
history, perpetrated and manufactured by the State machinery,
and systematically accumulated over 20 years..
When the bubble bursts, the Chinese local debt problems, bank
problems, shadow banking problems, triangular debts and the
RMB exchange rate issue will all burst out."

Economics Professor of University of South Carolina, Xie Tian:
“the bursting bubble is the greatest blow to the Chinese economy,
accompanied by the fall of the last, biggest, human authoritarian
regime. This will be a huge breathtaking event in human history. “

“Chopper" believes that China’s finances is like an avalanche
coming down the snow mountain.
It’s invisible these years because the Chinese authorities try
to cover up all contradictions of Government using their powers.
“Chopper" pointed out that these crises will begin to erupt in 2014.
When the avalanche begins, who can stand against it?

Interview/ChangChun Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/SunNing
