【禁闻】2013中国人渣排行榜 周永康上榜



北京社会活动家胡佳:“这种老百姓自发评选的榜单,每一次都会令当局出乎意料、 灰头土脸。如果形成真实的、汹涌的民意的话,对上榜者一定是有一定的压力和震慑的吧!”



第二类是发表“雷人言论”而备受民间诟病的名人,如“阿里巴巴”集团总裁马云,因支持“六四镇压”,荣登榜首;李鹏之女李小琳因自称“勤俭节约”、不靠父辈,只靠所谓“自身努力”而排名第3;来自军方的空军大校戴旭,因宣称“禽流感死不了几个人” 而排名第4;排名27的“最狠毒拆迁女市长”韩迎新,她的“人渣言论”是“我不懂拆迁法,不按拆迁法办”。








采访编辑/张天宇 后制/钟元

Zhou Yongkang Ranked Second on “2013 Chinese Scum Ranking"

As we enter the New Year, Chinese netizens have
voted anonymously on the “2013 Chinese Scum Rankings".
The Name of Zhou Yongkang, former Party secretary of the
Politics and Law Committee, appeared on the list.
Fang Zhouzi, Sima Nan and Jackie Chan are also ranked
for the second time after having been selected last year.
In addition, “a scum group ranking" is also added
this year along with the “individual scum ranking”.
China Central Television and the Global Times newspaper
were selected as “winner" and “runner-up", respectively.
Netizens comment that, in their opinion, this
reflects the general stance of the public in China.

There are several selection criteria in the scum rankings.

Nominees are evaluated based on their
“factor of shabbiness", “lack of modesty",
“degree of filthiness” and “dirtiness of tricks".

After two rounds of examinations, one hundred “scum"
are selected into the ranking from thousands of nominees.

Hu Jia, Beijing Human Rights Activist: “The ranking
is voted spontaneously online by Chinese citizens.
Each time, it has shocked and embarrassed
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime.
If this forms into some real strong public opinion,
I think it might somehow stun the people on the list."

Chinese website Canyu.org quoted the ranking promoter.

The average education level of ranked “individual
scum" has seen a significant increase in 2013.
Experts, professors and scholars from universities
have become the largest group on the list.
This is followed by delegates from
different levels of the People’s Congress.
The military has also shown a
strong performance in the ranking.

Reports found that most ranked “scum" can
be categorized into the following major groups.
Firstly, notorious former party
officials, such as Zhou Yongkang.
This also includes former Vice Minister for Public
Security, Li Dongsheng, former railway minister,
Liu Zhijun, and former Director of the National
Development and Reform Commission, Liu Tienan.

Secondly are celebrities who have been
criticized for their appalling speeches.
Ma Yun, Chairman of the Alibaba Group, is
ranked highest in this group, for his vocal support
of the June 4 Tiananmen Square Massacre.

Li Peng’s daughter Li Xiaolin is ranked third.

Li Xiaolin commented that her success
had nothing to do with her father.
It is only a result of “her own efforts and diligence".

Dai Xu, a Senior Colonel of the CCP Air Force, is ranked
forth for commenting that bird Flu will just kill a few people.
Hang Yingxin, is called the “most vicious
female mayor for forced demolition".
Hang is ranked 27th, for saying “I don’t understand
demolition law and thus never follow it".

Thirdly are the fifty-cent party, who
are especially despised by netizens.
It also includes state-controlled media, hired “writers"
and “experts" who speak only to glorify the Party.
Ranked individuals include Minister of Education Yuan Guiren.
Yuan said, “China almost has no dropouts for poor students".
Hua Chunying, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson, is reported
to have said that, “China has no news censorship".
Sun Linping, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Liberation
Army Daily, said “Communism is universal law".

According to the promoter of the rankings, an
individual will not be ranked twice, except for some
“outstanding" behavior, with extremely poor morality.

However, on the 2013 ranking list, the names of
Fang Zhouzi, Sima Nan and Jackie Chan appeared again.

Tang Jitian, Chinese Human Rights
Lawyer: “As a lawyer, usually I won’t
use the word ‘scum’ to describe a person.
On the other hand, netizens select such a word.
This is probably because other words cannot exactly
express their aversion of those individual or groups
that make ridiculous speeches just to hide the truth.
They recklessly violate civil rights
or deny social values of our citizens."

Along with rankings for individuals, a new group
ranking was also released for the year of 2013.
The top three groups are, China Central Television
News Group, the Global Times newspaper, and
518 bribed municipal People’s Congress
delegates in Hengyang, Hunan province.
Other major ranked groups include party mouthpiece media,
state-owned monopolies, and the Red Cross Society of China.
It also includes governmental agencies in
fields such as public security, procuratorate,
courts, judiciary and urban administration.

In addition, the first “Chinese
hero ranking" was also released.
Human rights lawyers, such as Gao Zhisheng
and Tang Jitian were selected on the list.
Also on the list were human rights activists,
such as Hu Jia and Qin Yongmin.

Lin Zixu, Political Commentator: “In China, voices that
are different from the party can be very hard to be heard.
But, now many civilians are trying hard
to establish platforms for their voices.
I believe it won’t be long before all ranked individuals and
groups become history, and are forgotten by our people.
Instead, those heroes will be respected by
more and more Chinese people in the future."

The promoter of the rankings said that the awakening
of Chinese people is frightening the evil party.
The sounds of an end are already being heard,
foretelling the collapse of the CCP dictatorship.

Interview & Edit/ZhangTianyu Post-Production/ZhongYuan
