【禁闻】人大审议废止劳教 洗脑班延续迫害













大陆维权律师 江天勇:“一个人走在大街上,给你拉到一个面包车里面就送到里面去,家属根本不知道人到哪里了,即使根据推测找到了那个地方,那个地方也不会承认人关在里边。”




采访编辑/李韵 后制/孙宁

China’s Brainwashing Centers Continue Labor Camp Persecution

The National People’s Congress has been
discussing a motion to abolish China’s
re-ecucation through labor camp system.

Many lawyers highlight that brainwashing
centers and black jails still exist in China.
These will be places to continue the oppression and
persecution that has taken place in the labour camps.

The sixth meeting of the 12th National People’s Congress
will be taking place in Beijing from December 23 to 28.
The committee began discussing motions,
including the State Council decision on the
re-education through forced labour system.

The re-education through labor system, known as
Laogai, or labour camps, are an illegal apparatus.
This system was adopted from the former
Soviet Union, as a place to conduct persecution.
It was first used by the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) in 1955, to punish counter-revolutionaries.
In 1957, the CCP officially adopted the system.

Legal specialist Zhao Yuanming indicates that since
the implementation of the labor camps, the CCP has
manipulated the system to persecute Chinese people.

This has happened throughout the
history of the CCP’s political movements.
It has been the source of endless suffering
of victims of miscarriages of justice.

Zhao Yuanming: “In particular, Jiang Zemin
abused the system to the extreme, during his
persecution of Falun Gong, which began in 1999.
The labor camps have been used to detain,
torture and kill Falun Gong practitioners,
dissidents, and people of different faiths.
Many more crimes associated with the
labor camps have also been exposed."

Zhao Yuanming highlights the notoriety of the labor camps,
describing them as illegal, unconstitutional and draconian.
Since Jiang Zemin launched the persecution
against Falun Gong in 1999, he has transferred a
large amount of funds to the labour camp system.

It has become a living hell of
torture and live organ harvesting.

In 1999, Jiang Zemin mobilized a quarter of all state resources.

This was in order to suppress Falun Gong’s practice
of “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance."
Labor camps throughout China have seen
all means of persecution unfold within them.
The system also extended it’s methods from
Falun Gong practitioners to the Chinese citizens.

In April 2013, Lens magazine published
an article called “Out of Masanjia".
It documented the torture seen by eyewitnesses
within the notorious Masanjia Labour Camp.
Independent filmmaker Du Bin also produced
a documentary called, “Above the Ghosts’
Heads: The Women of Masanjia Labour Camp".

This further revealed brutal torture
in labor camps across China.

Falun Gong practitioner Xu Li has
been repeatedly sent to labor camps.

Exposing the crimes and brutality in the CCP’s labor camps
has shocked and stirred the international community.
Under pressure of public opinion, labor camps across China
started to take down their signs, and to release detainees.

On November 15, there was a decision
published from the Third Plenary Session.

It formally proposed to abolish the labor camp system.

Xu Li, Falun Gong practitioner in China: “The labor
camps have gone to the extreme and to the end.
But, the evil nature of the CCP has not changed. The
labor camp system still exists in China, only in disguise.
It still exists in the brainwashing centers and black jails.
It also exists in the spying and monitoring systems that
have been established in the persecution of Falun Gong."

Human rights lawyer Jiang Tianyong says that even though
the labor camp system is disbanding, alternative labor camps
exist, largely as the brainwashing centers and black jails.

For more than a month after the abolition
of labor camps, the number of Falun Gong
practitioners arrested was still increasing.

Jiang Tianyong: “They would simply pull you into a van
while you’re walking on the street and lock you up.
Your family would not know where you were.
Even if your family were able to work out where you were,
no one would confirm it, and you would remain locked up."

Data revealed by overseas website Minghui.org,
suggests the number of Falun Gong practitioners sent
to brainwashing centers during the first half of 2013
was 45 times the number sent to the labor camps.

On November 19, a statement issued by 83 human rights
lawyers in China called for the abolition of labor camps.
The document also put forward for the first time
the issue of compensation from the state.

Lawyers requested to ban all forms of disguised detention.
This includes black jails and, brainwashing
centers, which work under the name of legal
education centers, or legal education classes.

On December 17, Amnesty International questioned the CCP’s
proposal for abolishing re-education through labour in China.
It said it is an approach which is
“changing the soup, but not the medicine."

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/SunNing
