【禁闻】混淆党国概念 中共恐吓民众“爱国”



这篇没有作者署名的网路贴文宣称,萨达姆死了,并没有找到大规模杀伤性武器。如今,天天爆炸、袭击、派教冲突。卡扎菲死了,利比亚人民幸福了吗? 如今,遍地废墟,重建遥遥无期。




作者还引用十八世纪英国大文豪约翰生博士(Dr. Samuel Johnson)的名言:Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel(爱国主义是流氓无赖的最后庇护所。)





旅美原大陆史学家刘因全指出,生活在中国,一方面物价飞涨,官僚阶层横征暴敛,人们生活没有保障 ,再加上环境污染,人们呼吸不到新鲜空气,喝不到清洁的水,吃不上放心食品。





采访编辑/李韵 后制/周天

The CCP Incites Orwellian Concept of Country and Party

Recently, an Internet post entitled, “You Are Nobody Without
The Motherland,” has been deliberately hyped among all the
CCP’s official media which acclaimed it an excellent article.

This Orwellian type article however, was seemingly edited,
scrutinized and deliberately planted to confuse and blur the
concept of the Party and the State.

It selectively serves to divert large scale social crisis by
intimidating the people and inciting flag-waving patriotism.
A Chinese journalist outed the order from the CCP’s
propaganda department to “promote” this Internet article.
The article called for people to unify under the leadership of
the CCP and remain alert to Western anti-China forces.
To deceive the people it falsely accused Chinese Internet users
of an outdated “populism".

“You are nobody without the motherland,” is a planted online article
which received exaggerated promotions by the Chinese media recently.
On Dec. 2, the sycophantic CCP official mouthpieces such as
People’s Daily, Xinhua, and Global Times,
as well as other servile media outlets and websites such as South
China Morning Post, Yangzi Evening News have also parroted
this article.

This anonymous Internet plan went on to exploit international
conflicts, that the CCP itself could have averted at the UN:
“Saddam died, no weapons of mass destruction were found,
now (in Iraq) there is nothing but explosions, assault, and
religious conflict.

Gaddafi is dead. But is Libyan happy a happy place? It is defaced
with ruins and it is unknown if it will ever be rebuilt?”

The grovelling article attempted to persuade people to support the
leadership of Xi Jinping and the CCP, because we “don’t want
to become a second Libya.”

A netzen ridiculed: “Are you equating someone with
Saddam and Gaddafi?"

Voice of America columnist Qi Zhifeng alleged in his article
Entitled: Patriotism is to love a scoundrel, “that the former
Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi and former Iraqi dictator
Saddam Hussein were both known as the rogues and thugs.”
This online post publicly compared the current CCP leaders
and today’s China to the scoundrels. It is quite a world’s wonder.

Qi Zhifeng also cited the 18th century British writer,
Dr. Samuel Johnson’s famous saying:
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Wang Beiji, political commentator: “Our neighbors, both
Japan and South Korea have developed well after the
authoritarian governments were gone.

Why were these two countries not mentioned, but the two
chaotic countries such as Iraq and Libya? The chaotic development
in Iraq with Libya after the liberation has also been exaggerated
by the CCP."

Commentator Wang Beiji also points out that the so-called
predicament Russia is going through after the collapse of
Soviet Communism as claimed by the CCP is also
an exaggeration.
Russia’s economical and political developments are both
going positively.

The online posting also yawned that, “Should China lose the
leadership of CCP, chaos will occur. A chaotic China means
a disaster for the 1.3 billion Chinese.”

The fiction also indicated that the slanderous attacks on the
Internet is not the normal behavior of any person,
but a planned and strategic attack on China in words and
actions by the Western anti-China forces.

Liu Yinquan, Chinese historian: “People are discontent with
the CCP from their heart.
It is not incited by anyone. They live there and they personally
experience the corruption in the government and the extreme

Historian Liu Yinquan explains that with life in China today
people suffer from inflation, bureaucracy exactions, lack of
social security, air and water pollution, and toxic foods.

Liu Yinquan: “This resentment and hatred against the CCP
comes from the heart. It does not need anyone to stir it up.
I believe if the CCP indeed do well, there is no need to worry
about harmful words.
It is exactly because the CCP has done the opposite,
and they blame others, blame the West.

That’s their trick to divert people’s attention."

A netzen’s post stated, “The Han Dynasty is gone, so is
the Tang, the Ming and the Qing. Chinese remain as Chinese.
The motherland remains as the motherland.

One regime after another, how can the motherland disappear?”

Wang Beiji, political commentator: “China has existed for
5,000 years. The CCP is only 64.
Obviously, the 5,000 and the 64 are not the same.
There is no way to equate CCP to China or to even
believe that the People’s Republic of China is China."

Wang Beiji points out that the CCP is the source of the
social crisis in China today.
The only way to build a peaceful, democratic and caring society
is to completely destroy, disintegrate, and clean up the CCP.
