【禁闻】陈德铭访台 抗议如影随行






与此同时,现场80多名法轮功学员和平理性拉开了“法轮大法好”、“停止迫害法轮功”、“法办江泽民 罗干 刘京 周永康”等横幅。




不过,陈德铭还因陕西省部分法轮功学员被迫害致死,而成为“追查迫害法轮功国际组织”的追查对象。2004 年5月20号,“追查国际”发出了对陕西省省委、和省政府的追查通告,其中就包括时任常务副省长的陈德铭。




11月25号,国际人权律师大卫•麦塔斯(David Matas)在“台湾国际器官移植关怀协会”主办的“国人赴境外器官移植之医疗安全及国际立法趋势研讨会”上,讲述了他与加拿大前亚太司司长大卫•乔高,在追寻活摘器官真相中的过程。他指出,中共政府从2011年开始减少死刑犯数量,但器官移植数量仍在增长,加上中共对法轮功的迫害从未停止,这说明中共对法轮功学员们的活体器官摘取,可能正在增加。





采访/陈汉 编辑/宋风 后制/葛雷

Chen Deming Visits Taiwan Followed By Protesters

Chen Deming is president of Association for Relations Across
the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) of the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP). He led a delegation arrived at Taoyuan International
Airport, Taiwan on Nov. 26.
Chen faced more than a hundred protesters upon his arrival in
the airport.They followed Chen at his every stop.
Among the protesters, the Falun Gong group as always
displayed a peaceful and rational protest.
Let’s take a look.

On Novomber 26, Chen Deming led a trade delegation which
arrived in Taiwan for an eight-day visit.
Over a hundred protesters waited in an airport hall, including
Falun Gong group, Black Island Nation Youth Front and other
civil groups.

In order to avoid protesters, Chen left the airport through
a small gate.
Some protesters shouted slogans over the police wall, Taiwan
Solidarity Union stuck a slogan on window of the airport door.
It reads “Expel Chinese Communist Bandit United Front".

In order to ensure the smooth of Chen’s visit, the security
was very tight in the airport.
Many plain-cloth police were at the site, many blocks
were set up.

When Chen’s delegation arrived outside Strait Exchange
Foundation (SEF), a female student protester broke through
the blockade and clashed with police. The police took her away.

Over 80 Falun Gong practitioners were at the site
holding a peaceful protest.
Their banners read “Falun Dafa Is Good", “Stop Persecution
of Falun Gong", “Bring Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, Liu Jing and
Zhou Yongkang to Justice".

Mr. Cai, a Falun Gong practitioner: “Our purpose is to hope
the head of ARATS, Chen Deming, bring home the news
that Falun Dafa has been widely spread overseas. Meanwhile,
we urge the CCP to stop persecuting Falun Gong immediately."

Chen Dejiang, age 64, was born in Shanghai.
In the past, Chen served as Suzhou City party secretary,
Shanxi Provincial governor, Deputy Director of National
Development and Reform Commission. He was a confidant of
Jiang Zemin’s faction.
During Hu Jintao’s era, several times Chen initiated
officials to study Jiang’s talks.

In April, Chen was appointed as a president of ARATS.

However, during Chen’s tenure as a governor of Shanxi,
many Falun Gong practitioners were persecuted to death.

So Chen was under investigation by World Organization
to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG).
On May 20, 2004, WOIPFG issued an announcement to
investigate Shanxi Provincial Committee and its council,
including Chen Deming who was then a deputy governor.

Zhang Erping, spokesman for Falun Gong said: “No matter
what crime you have committed in Mainland China, all
has been noted. We are continuing to investigate all people
who have participated in the persecution of Falun Gong."

Zhang Erping says that being the same Chinese people in
Taiwan, Falun Gong practitioners can freely practice and
are free to belief in traditional Chinese culture.

However, in Mainland China, people are sent to prison
for the same practice, even losing their lives.
There is a huge contrast between freedom society and a
tyrant.It also reflects the CCP’s crime.

Mr. Shi, a Taiwan Falun Gong practitioner says Falun Gong
practitioners follow the universal principles of “Truth,
Compassion, Tolerance".It is no harm to society.

Now Falun Gong has spread to over 114 countries and regions.

Such an excellent practice was suppressed by the CCP, also,
in China, the practitioners’ organs are live harvested and sold
for money by the CCP.

On Nov. 25, human rights lawyer David Matas spoke at a
forum hosted by Taiwan International Care Association of
Organ Transplants, regarding safety of Taiwanese going
abroad for organ transplantations.
Matas shared the details that he and David Kilgour, former
Canadian Secretary of State, Asia-Pacific, had uncovered when
investigating the truth of live organ harvesting of Falun Gong.

He said that the Chinese regime started reducing the numbers
of executed prisoners in 2011, but the organ transplantation
numbers are rising.

In addition, the CCP didn’t stop the persecution
of Falun Gong.
It indicates that the live organ harvesting of Falun Gong
practitioners is likely increasing.

Zhu Keming, the first man to sue Jiang Zemin: “People around
the world already know the CCP started persecuting Falun
Gong in 1999.It is the biggest and the most evil sin in human
history. The degree of cruelty never happened even in Nazi era."

Zhu Keming told NTD that although in recent years, the CCP
used hidden means to continue to persecute kind Falun Gong
practitioners, its crimes are increasingly exposed.

Actually, over 60 officials including Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan,
Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai have been sued in more than
30 countries on accusations of inhumanity, genocide and
brutal torture.

Zhang Erping points out that they will face the
heaviest sentences in history.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/GeLei
