【禁闻】外媒热评:薄翻供 习权威面临挑战

【新唐人2013年08月24日讯】外媒热评:薄翻供 习权威面临挑战



















Bo Xilai Denying Charges Challenges Xi Jinping

On August 23, the trial of Bo Xilai entered its second session.
In court, Bo denied corruption allegation,
whilst at the first day trial, he denied bribery.
Bo alleged that his wife, Gu Kailai, “has gone
mad”, and Wang Lijun’s testimony is “nonsense".

Bo’s reaction is no more a surprise for the world.

Global media began to analyze the motives
behind his denial of charges, and its impact.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) state-run media
have launched Cultural Revolution-style censuring.
The leading international media
have also commented on the case.

French newspaper, Le Figaro, says that Bo Xilai’s
case is testing whether Xi Jinping can establish
his prestige as the CCP state leader.
French newspaper, Les Echos, questions if
Bo Xilai is trying to signal his political supporters.
That is, he won’t succumbs, and is still being
backed by some strong top-level CCP patrons.

The New York Times reports that “the dramatic
courtroom exchanges on Thursday raised
questions about how party officials would
continue to steer a delicate political process.”

NTD television published a commentary
on its website, authored by Zhang Tianliang.
The commentator says that Bo’s denial checked
Xi Jinping’s status, and challenges Xi’s authority.
Now, in order to assume his authority within
the CCP, Xi has to take down Zhou Yongkang.

Nearly 20 Million Chinese Drink Arsenic Poisoned Water

Latest research findings shows that nearly 20 million
people in China may suffer from arsenic water poisoning.

The study was jointly conducted by the Swiss Federal
Institute of Aquatic Science, and Chinese researchers.
Sources of drinking water for 19.6 million
Chinese people were found to be contaminated.
The scope covers some previously neglected areas.

This includes central and Eastern areas in
Sichuan, and some Eastern coastal regions.

Whistle-Blowing Journalist Liu Hu Taken Away By Police

Journalist Liu Hu is known for whistle-blowing
CCP officials’ malpractice and taking bribes.
China’s Southern Metropolis Daily reports that on
August 23, Liu was taken away by police in Chongqing.

Reportedly, Liu’s wife revealed that
he was handcuffed when taken away.
The police credentials showed that they
were from Beijing Public Security Bureau.

On its micro-blog, the media outlet published
the news, saying the police gave no reason.
Nor did they leave any notice of the detention.

Liu had blown the whistle on two CCP senior officials,
Ma Zhengqi and Du Hangwei, over the internet.
Ma Zhengqi, Deputy Director of the State Administration
of Industry & Commerce, was accused of committing
a serious dereliction of duty.
Du Hangwei, Director of Public Security Department of
Shaanxi Province, was accused of accepting sex bribes.

Renowned Rights Activist Xu Zhiyong Arrested

Xu Zhiyong, New Citizens’ Movement leader
in China, was formally arrested on August 22.
Xu was charged with “gathering people
to disturb order in public places."

Xu’s arrest was confirmed by his
lawyer and friend on August 23.

Xu Zhiyong has long been committed to appealing
to Chinese citizens to practice constitutional rights.
He is known as an inoffensive and rational social activist.
