【禁闻】薄案开审 海内外密集关注

【新唐人2013年08月22日讯】薄案开审 海内外密集关注






台媒:薄案开庭2天 无任何直播










Global Media Focus On Bo Xilai Trial

Global media is currently focused on the trial
of Bo Xilai, Chongqing’s former Party chief.
The trial is scheduled to be held on August 22.

A large number of Chinese and foreign
media reporters have gathered in Jinan.
Various versions of rumors are circulating. Jinan
Intermediate People’s Court has reinforced security.

On its website, Hong Kong’s Ta Kung Pao reports
that Bo Xilai was taken to Jinan on August 21.
He is being held in a detention center. Bo is
on trial in Jinan Intermediate People’s Court.

Journalists of over a dozen foreign media arrived in Jinan.
Ta Kung Pao calls Jinan, a"Bo Xilai trial news battlefield".
Foreign journalists go through security checks, before
entering a local mansion to apply for interview permits.
Seven stages need to be completed to get the permit.

Media report that Chinese civilians also express
curiosity towards the trial of a senior Chinese official.
They are curious about the sentencing
guidelines to be used for a public trial.
Some petitioners even headed to Jinan to witness Bo’s trial.
They want to find out how it is different from an ordinary trial.

On August 21, China’s media reported on some of the
hidden rules used in the trial of senior Chinese officials.
For example, the court’s area suggests the
level of openness of the trial to the public.
The trial rehearsal even covers rest
intervals and bathroom breaks.
Officials above ministerial level are exempt
from donning prison uniform in court.

No Live Broadcast Offered at Bo Xilai Trial

On August 21, Taiwan’s Central News Agency
quoted a Chinese Communist Party(CCP) official.
He said that the trial of Bo Xilai will last two days.

During the trial, three to four briefings will be held,
whilst no broadcast via video or texts is offered.
The official micro-blog of Jinan Intermediate
People’s Court will publish news about the trial.

A day earlier, Hong Kong’s pro-CCP Phoenix
New Media had published exclusive news.
It says that Jinan Intermediate People’s Court will provide
live broadcast of the trial on TV and on the micro-blog.

However, the court staff has repeatedly replied
to queries, saying no live broadcast is arranged.
Media reporters should follow newsletters for
information about the trial date and the briefings.

Reporters Without Borders Appeals for Openness at Bo Xilai Trial

As the Bo Xilai trial approaches, Paris-based
NGO, Reporters Without Borders (RWB),
calls on the CCP regime to keep its promise.
That is, allowing foreign media and foreign
observers to be present in the court.

RWB says that CCP authorities have not expressively
banned foreign media from attending the trial.
However, no independent and international media
have yet been allowed to attend the court hearing.

RWB states that the CCP authorities will screen
foreign reporters, as they have done in the past.
The screening is very canny for the Bo Xilai trial.

At the deadline for applications to attend the hearing,
it will announce the number of hearing attendees is full.
Meanwhile, this deadline will not be
announced until the last moment.

RWB appeals to the CCP to open the
Bo Xilai trial to all journalists and observers.
Otherwise, the trial cannot be
considered open and transparent.
