



据《德国之声》报导,中国学者、国务院农村发展中心前研究员姚监复表示 ,“八九民运”中,学生提出的主要诉求,其实和朱当时在上海提出的一些问题是相通的,因此,“学生们有什么错?当局为什么要开枪对待学生?”



政法记者抗强拆被拘 法律界援助



参与联署的有大陆 著名法学家、中国政法大学终身教授江平、 北京大学法学院教授贺卫方及北京理工大学法 学院教授徐昕等。



大量坦克惊现太原街头 引猜测





Memoirs of Zhu Rongji Show Refusal to Send Army into Tiananmen in 1989

Memoirs of Zhu Rongji’s Speeches in
Shanghai has been recently published in China.
It has attracted wide public attention.

The new book collects topics on reforms, and
the June 4th pro-democracy movement in 1989.

The memoirs contain three speeches given by Zhu in 1989.
They show that Zhu discouraged military control of Beijing.
He refused to send the army and the police during
the events, in attempt to avoid escalation of the situation.

Deutsche Welle reports quoted Yao Jianfu,
a former government researcher.
He says that in 1989, the main demands raised
by the students, were actually similar to some
questions raised by Zhu Rongji in Shanghai.
Yao asks, “what is wrong with the students?
Why did the authorities shoot those students?"

Yao Jianfu says that it is to Zhu’s credit that he
doesn’t dodge the “June 4th" incident in his book.

Yao reviews that Zhu has only
played a role of political puppet.
He was a tool serving the Chinese Communist Party(CCP).

Yao says that if Zhu had taken more steps in political
reforms, it would undermines the CCP’s dictatorship.
Zhu would have faced the same fate as
Zhao Ziyang who was ousted from his role.

China’s Legal Community Supports Detained Journalist

Chinese journalist Chen Baocheng, was detained
by police in Pingdu, Qingdao, Shandong Province.
Chen’s arrest, for his rights defense in forced
house demolitions, has drawn wide attention.

Chinese Human Rights Defenders “Weiquanwang.org"
reported that on August 13, ten legal scholars in China
have sent an open letter to Qingdao leaders.
This includes to the Party chief, and the mayor.

They expressed concern over Chen’s detention, calling
on Qingdao authorities to deal properly with the case.

The signatories include; Jiang Ping, a famous jurist;
He Weifang, professor of Law at Peking University; and
Xu Xin, professor of Law at Beijing Institute of Technology.

On August 10, Chen Baocheng, along with seven
villagers, who had defended their civil rights,
were detained for involving in “illegal detention".
Chen’s employer, Caixin Media, spoke in a statement.

They have asked the lawyers to seek police verification.
However, Pingdu police authorities didn’t respond.

Reportedly, Pu Zhiqiang, Chi Susheng, and
Wang Cailiang, among other renowned lawyers,
are organizing a lawyers’ team for the case.
They will soon head for Pingdu to present their defense.

100 Tanks & Armored Vehicles Appear in Streets in Taiyuan

Several netizens have exposed an incident
on August 13-14, in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province,
Around 100 tanks and armored vehicles
paraded through the streets, in a 200-meter line.
They occupied the entire road, causing traffic jams.

Residents witnessing the scene felt panic. They
questioned “what major events is happening?"

Some people have complained that either staging
a military drill, or in any emergency situation,
the military or the police authorities should
have informed local residents in advance.
This is in order to prevent unnecessary
stress from the local people.
