【禁闻】社科院帮腔 中共东施效颦显愚陋















采访/朱智善 编辑/李谦 后制/周天

Chinese Regime ‘Imitates Beauty’, But Has Opposite Effect

A series of articles have appeared on Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) state controlled media.
They target constitutionalism, promote one-party rule,
and claim to have confidence in the CCP political system.
Meanwhile, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
(CASS) released questionnaire results supporting this.
Observers comment that these initiatives have
only highlighted the crises that the CCP is facing.
The party has no soul, but blindly tries to
create external appearances to justify itself.
In reality, however, this has the opposite
effect. Let’s take a look at our news.

On August 9, CCP state controlled
People’s Daily, published a commentary.
It was discussing “why the CCP
has confidence in its political system.”
It advocated “socialism with Chinese characteristics.”

The author, Zheng Zhiguo, is a professor at the Party
School of Guangdong Provincial CCP Committee.
On the grounds of economic development,
Zheng defends CCP one-party dictatorship.
He argues that the existing political system
cannot be blamed for current social problems.

Chen Miao, Constitutional scholar, China:

“The alleged economic development is actually
a 30-year overdraft from the previous 100-year
accumulation in the economy and industry.
It has also seriously overdrawn from the
development space of future generations.
This is, in effect, a black sheep who has
sold off all it’s land left by it’s ancestors.”

On the same day, the CASS released questionnaire results.
It is the first nationwide poll on citizens political awareness.
The report claims that among 6,159 respondents
from 10 Provinces, nearly 70% of them say they
embrace the CCP, and its current political system.

Zhu Jianguo, Columnist, China: “The
CASS itself is one of the CCP mouthpieces.
Now the CCP has argued against constitutionalism.

It has promoted for people to have confidence
for its road, ideology and political system.
In this context, it’s no surprise that the poll was
conducted to be in favor of the CCP’s wishes.”

Zhu Jianguo explains that nowadays, surveys are
commonly graded on a 0-to-100 scale, due to precision.
The previous 5-point grading scale has been abolished,
but it was still used in this CASS questionnaire.
From this point, we can see the
CCP is timid, lacking confidence.

Some scholars indicate that the survey
was released to serve as propaganda.
It was conducted among selective respondents, instead
of ordinary citizens, petitioners or persecuted groups.

Chen Yongmiao: “Before Saddam was
toppled, he always won 100% of the votes.”

In November 2012, the 18th CCP Congress
report called on all the party members
to adhere to the ‘Three Confidences’.
That is, to have confidence in taking the CCP
path, in it’s ideology and in it’s political system.
Since then, overwhelmingly, CCP official media
has attacked the ideas of constitutionalism.
Official media have made it clear that the “China
Dream" is founded on CCP one-party rule.

Recently, many street advertising boards promoting
socialism, and the CCP, have appeared nationwide.
Some netizens have complained that this seems
to be reviving the era of the ‘Cultural Revolution’.

Chen Yongmiao: “Currently, high-level CCP
officials, and those in charge of CCP ideology
and propaganda, are mired in self-deception.”

Chen Yongmiao notes that so far, the
CCP has lost its soul in propaganda.
What is its real belief? The CCP
itself doesn’t know anymore.

Chen Yongmiao:
“A story goes that in ancient China, Xi Shi’s beauty
and Dong Shi’s ugliness could in no way compare.
Dong Shi tried to use make-up to draw eyebrows like
Xi Shi, and thought she could be as beautiful as Xi Shi.
Similarly, there may exist superficial similarities
between the ‘China dream’ and the ‘American
dream’, but the CCP nevertheless remains ugly.”

Chen Yongmiao also stresses that
the CASS is a state run organization.
It cannot conduct objective surveys.

According to Chen, survey results released
under the name of the CASS are unreliable.
