【禁闻】舆论攻薄潮涌 薄案会现戏剧性变化?



《新华社》一篇题为《薄熙来受审 令出一门方能不偏不倚》的评论文章指出,在大政方针上、在领导干部任免上,地方政府必须维护中共中央权威。





美国时事评论员蓝述:“第一,就是挺薄派他们要压,作为中央的媒体,从上到下,挺薄的声音基本上没有。 这个可以看得出来,中共为了在审理薄熙来的过程中,为了能够保持政权的稳定,它在幕后做了大量的工作。 第二,官媒之所以强调对薄熙来的审理,目地是要树立起中央的权威。”











大陆学者 陈先生:“本身法律上判轻判重,你党内下什么文件?人家那边还没判,你先把调子定了,这不是违反法律吗?”


采访/陈汉 编辑/王子琦 后制/钟元

Public Opinion Denounces Bo Xilai, is Big Change Coming?

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s media recently
reported the official indictment of Bo Xilai.
All central level Party media followed suit, publishing articles
showing their support for the indictment of Bo,
requesting so-called ‘unification of government ordinance.’

But there were prior comments saying that
according to official media,
authorities may give Bo a lenient sentence.

How will the case go?
Let’s see what some of the experts have to say.

Jinan Intermediate court prosecuted Bo Xilai on July 25th.

All levels of CCP media followed the news and
published editorials on Bo’s case.

Xinhua news agency published an editorial saying that

local government must maintain the CCP’s central
authority in regards to major policies
and in the appointment and removal of cadres.

China.com also published an article saying Bo’s trial
shows the determination of the CCP against corruption.
China Youth Net published an article saying Bo’s case
is an alarm to people relying on luck.

But the People’s Daily Online requested Chongqing citizens
to support the decision of the central authorities
in a calm and appealing tone.
The People’s Daily followed with commentary that
there’s no chance for Bo to avoid punishment.

Meanwhile, many active left wing people have been
blocked on China’s twitter-like social media, Weibo.

U.S. political commentator Lan Shu says there are basically
two main themes to the CCP’s media reports.

Lan Shu, U.S. political commentator: “First,
as central media, they need to block Bo’s supporters.
You don’t hear any voice of support for Bo.

You can tell that the CCP has done a lot of work
during Bo’s trial to maintain its regime.
Second, the official media is trying to bolster
the central authority’s image by emphasizing Bo’s trial.”

Xinhua news agency reported that Bo has been indicted
for bribery, corruption, and abuse of power.
Analysts say the reports seem to say the CCP indicted Bo
only for his financial crimes, and ignored Bo’s bigger crimes.

After last year’s incidents involving Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai,
oversea media carried reports on Bo’s attempt at a coup,
his involvement in murder, organ harvesting,
and selling bodies, etc.

Professor Zhang Tianliang from George Mason University
says Xinhua News Agency’s article also shows that
there are other political reasons behind Bo’s trial,
such as Bo’s failure to maintain the central government decrees,
failure to obey central leaders, and his abuse of private rights.

Lan Shu says that the CCP will deal with Bo’s case
as it has dealt with other cases in the past,
trivializing issues and avoiding the important issues.

It’s possible the different factions have made an agreement
to do it this way, in order to balance their interests.
Thus, he believes there won’t be many dramatic changes.

Lan Shu: “There won’t be many dramatic changes in Bo’s trial.
Earlier trials of Liu Zhijun and Liu Tienan have paved the way.
Those two had more serious issues than Bo
in terms of corruption and bribery.
And their official levels are lower than Bo’s.
Thus, Bo basically won’t have a penalty worse than theirs.”

Some commentators also say Bo’s trial won’t be any different,
because all CCP factors want to maintain their regime,
and they’ll all choose to hide the big crime of persecuting
Falun Gong and taking living Falun Gong practitioners’ organs.

But Hong Kong based Apple Daily says the authorities
prosecute Bo with economic charges,
which doesn’t leave him chance to reverse the verdict.

Li Yiping, author of ‘Strategy Towards Democracy’ says that

as long as the CCP exists, no matter
how Bo is sentenced, nothing will change.

Li Yiping, author of ‘Strategy Towards Democracy’:
“We don’t need to be happy for Bo’s downfall.
We must recognize clearly that the nature of the CCP,
the party itself, is evilness, it’s an evil party that came to China.
Thus, left wing and right wing alike, we must all realize
that we are currently acting as sheep.
Don’t be disappointed if Bo receives lenient sentence,
because as long as the CCP holds power this is what will happen.”

On July 23, many mainland journalists revealed on Weibo
that Chongqing authorities transmitted document from Beijing
including Bo’s charges against him and the money involved.

Mr. Chen, a mainland Chinese scholar:
“Why is there a document for the charges?
The trial hasn’t started yet, and yet charges are
already made. Isn’t this against the law?”

Mainland scholar Mr. Chen denounces the CCP’s practices,
which seriously interfere with the law and are unconstitutional.
