【禁闻】广电总局22条新规 严整电视剧市场














采访编辑/李韵 后制/萧宇

China SARFT issued 22 new regulations to clamp down on the television market

On June 4, the China State Administration of Radio,
Film and Television (SARFT) issued 22 new regulations,
which concentrate on controlling the television market.

The regulations limit the volume, scope, subject matter,
and air time, and requires all TV series to pass through strict censorship.
In addition, dramas, criminal investigation shows, imported
TV series, and co-produced programs have been limited.
Commentators think these regulations have been issued
to support a new round of brainwashing by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),
and are mainly used to imprison people’s minds
as well as to avoid people from associating TV show content with real-life current events.

The regulation, “Satellite Integrated Channel TV Sets
Broadcasting Regulations and Managing Approach,”
requires that the total quantity of reality shows must reach
50% of the total broadcasted shows during prime time,
and the quantity of costume drama shouldn’t be over 15%.
Crime investigation series should be divided by its content.
Imported and co-produced shows must be broadcasted
under the requirement marked on its publishing license.

The new regulation also requires each TV channel to include
a broadcast censor and re-broadcast censor in advance.
The SARFT will record and spot censor all TV shows
broadcasted during prime time.
The provincial channels must report the schedule
of their prime time broadcasting plan.
The SARFT will audit any problems and will then
oversee necessary modifications.
The show only can broadcast after receiving approval.

If any principle issues with the schedule are found,
the schedule must be changed, and the relevant review units must take responsibility.

Hua Po, a Beijing political observer, analyzed that these 22
regulations support a new round of brainwashing by authorities.
The authorities want to mentally imprison people,
and are worried that
some TV series may cause citizens to associate the
content with what’s taking place out in society.

Hua Po: “People particularly associated a drama entitled
‘World Food’ with the big fire in Heilongjiang province.
(The script) said that in the Qianlong period, corrupt officials
set fire to the official granary to destroy evidence.
The Heilongjiang case is the same.

Just after officials from the Central Discipline Inspection
Commission arrived at Sinograin, its granary caught on fire.
People associate the fire with the drama.”

Hua Po pointed out that recently, fires continue to burn
in the three Northeast provinces causing serious injuries,
deaths, and large-scale property loss.
Hua Po said that the CCP is facing a dangerous situation.

Hua Po: “In addition, the leftists launched
a series of attacks recently.
It looked like it was an attack on the liberals, but in fact
it’s an attack on the mainstream by the political factions.
We can say that in the ideological and cultural arenas,
China is serious disconnected on a mass scale now.
That’s the reason why the CCP wants to
strengthen its control.
It doesn’t want there to be a serious problem
with the satellite TV channels.”

Zhu Xinxin, the former editor of Hebei People’s Radio,
pointed out that
the reason why the CCP authority is purging TV shows is based
on their political needs and related to the current situation.

Zhu Xinxin: “On one hand, it’s the domestic situation.
There’re so many mass incidents all around China.
The social conflicts are increasingly acute,
especially conflicts between officials and people.
On the other hand, territorial disputes and economic
conflicts with other countries are constantly increasing.
Then, with this domestic and international trouble, the CCP
wants to strictly control culture and art, particularly TV.”

Zhu Xinxin pointed out that because TV shows can use
historical stories to satirize current events,
can express what’s on people’s minds, and can spread
democracy and open-mindedness, the CCP is scared.
So, it encourages the current dramas be made under control,
limits the costume and co-produced dramas and even bans imported TV series.

Zhu Xinxin: “The CCP wants to occupy prime time
with its classic red dramas or TV programs
which praise and glorify the CCP’s false history
in order to brainwash people.
After increasingly more entertainment programs and dramas
aired, the power of the CCP’s propaganda weakened.
That’s the reason why it wants to ensure broadcast
of its own brainwashing TV shows."

Zhu Xinxin said that under the CCP’s dictatorship, the people
don’t have the freedom to watch entertainment programs.
Anything that doesn’t relate to the CCP’s propaganda
or assist in its brainwashing effort is snuffed out by the CCP.
It shows out that CCP is increasingly weak
and more and more scared.

Hua Po said today’s media are market-oriented operations.

If a media outlet wants to survive in mainland China,
it must walk a fine line.
He thinks this consolidation of TV programming
is doomed to fail.
