【禁闻】贵州200多万留守儿 精神逐渐荒漠化









河南农民工 张小猛:“孩子大多数是爷爷奶奶(照顾)吧,还有一些是外公、外婆。现在就是主要是拼经济了,所以小孩包括受教育,其他方面,心理方面受一些负面的影响,可能他们考虑不了那么多吧,应该说有钱人可能在乎,穷人没有经济能力在乎这些。”




采访编辑/张天宇 后制/葛雷

Over 2 Million Left Behind Children in Guizhou Province Facing Spiritual Desertification

Guizhou province has published its blue book of social development
indicating that left behind children have reached 2.36 million.
Due to falling behind in an educational environment
and a lack of public culture,
left behind children appear to have spiritual desertification.

Their thinking, behavior, and psychology have deviated
from the normal track of growth and development.
The report says that the means to solve this problem is to
“bring them out” and “come back to accompany them,”
but migrant workers generally consider these
as unrealistic “empty words.”

Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences recently published
“The Guizhou Blue Book: Social Development Report”.
It says that because of a lack of family care, these left behind
children are more prone to moral and psychological problems.
The longer the children are separated from their parents,
the lower their level of moral and mental health is,
and the more severe their psychological problems are.

“Left behind children” are the ones whose parents are migrant
workers living separately from their children over the long term.
The children are usually left with their relatives.

The All-China Women’s Federation recently published
a study showing there are now more than 61 million left behind
children in mainland China’s rural areas.
Statistics show that the left behind children are mainly
in the big provinces that do labor exports,
such as Sichuan, Henan, Anhui, Hunan, Guizhou, etc.
Guizhou has over 2 million left behind children.

Guizhou citizen Zhang Chongfa: “There are quite a lot of
left behind children in Guizhou, especially in rural areas.
Many kids are left in the countryside
because their young parents have gone to city for jobs.
As far as I know, 80-90% of the people in the countryside
go to the cities for work.”

Henan migrant worker Zhang Xiaomeng:
“They come back every year now, sometimes twice a year.
It’s different from the past, when transportation was inconvenient.
Back then it may have taken 2 or 3 years to come back once.”

Zhang Chongfa: “Sometimes they come home
once a year or after half a year.”

It’s known that left behind children gradually pick up bad habits.

Some of them become wayward, selfish or antisocial.
Some develop low self-esteem in social interactions.
Some become unruly, skip school, fight, smoke, and drink.
Some even resort to crime.
According to research reports, another reason
for kids’ bad behavior is their “grandparents guardianship”
which leads to lack of education and emphasis on materialism.

Henan migrant worker Zhang Xiaomeng:
“Most of those kids are taken care of by their grandparents.
Nowadays people mainly seek financial gain.

Thus, they don’t care the negative influences
on education and psychology.
Rich people may care about it, but poor people don’t have
the financial ability to care about it.”

The blue book indicates that the best solutions are to
“bring the children out” and “come back and accompany them.”
“Bring them out” means parents should bring their kids to cities.

“Come back and accompany them” is to encourage
the migrant workers to come home for farm work
or other work in the countryside.
But migrant workers consider the two methods unrealistic.

Because they can’t afford to take their kids with them,
and they can’t survive if they come back to work.

Zhang Chongfa: “If the parents take their kids to cities,
they need to support their schooling and living expenses.
Many of the migrant workers can’t take care of that.
Only private schools in cities accept left behind children.
Because of many reasons, the migrant workers
can’t live on their own in the countryside.
There is not a lot of land, and the environment is ruined.
Life in the countryside is tough, and the income is low.
They can only solve financial problems by working in the city.
There are also idle lands in the countryside no one takes care of.”

Media commentary have pointed out that left behind children
have become a severe social phenomenon now.
Meanwhile, crimes against left behind children are increasing.

Left behind children are also the majority of victims of recent
campus abuse scandals, child abuse and rape cases are.
