【禁闻】发改委官员主张 用保命地建楼
















采访编辑/刘惠 后制/李智远

Chinese Officials Advocate Construction on Farmlands

On May 27, Planning Division leader of the
National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)
Xu Lin and others published a report, advocating significant
land planning increase of urban construction.
It speaks of removing guidelines of guaranteed farmable land,
allowing local governments to issue municipal bonds and so on.
The article attracted condemnation by Chinese netizens.

Experts say this kind of land reform is a new round of
robbery from farmers,
and issuing local bonds is a double robbery from the
next generation of farmers.

The report, titled Land Reform And the New Urbanization,
made eight suggestions on land reform and urbanization.
It includes large increases in urban construction land planning,
no longer strictly preserving farm lands,
as well as local governments’ income from land sales being
collected by the central government and so on.

The person in charge of China’s Agricultural Market Weekly
online site Huang Liangtian points out
China’s rural lands have been owned collectively.
But now it’s whoever has power that owns the land.
Local officials can freely buy and sell land for their own gain.

Huang Liangtian: “Now most of our GDP comes from land sale.
In this system, there are two ways to make profits:
selling government positions and selling land.
If this thing turns into a policy,
then the new round of land robbery will start.”

Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party points out that

the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has used farmers to
take land from landowners in the past.
It promised the farmers with land,
and encouraged them to overthrow the landlords.
After the CCP gained power, it took all the land for itself
by setting up cooperatives, people’s communes, etc.

Huang Liangtian says today’s China has been totally robbed.

After the “opening up policy," land was contracted to farmers,
yet now any officials can freely take a piece of the pie.

Huang Liangtian points out that the NDRC’s proposal of
local authorities issuing bonds is a double robbery of farmers.

Huang Liangtian: “Issuing bond is a double snatch.
Take the cash from you and return it to your son.
They want to grab from next generation of farmers.
Those who return the debt will be future officials.
Now I rush to grab money from you.
I do not care about your children, or the successors."

The NDRC’s report is getting flak from Chinese netizens.

A netizen from Shanxi wrote: They ran out of land to sell,
so now they want the lands that the farmers rely on.

A Shenzhen netizen wrote: “The CCP will turn the farmlands
into skyscrapers to make money!
Soon we’ll need to import all our food.

Huang Liangtian: “They don’t care about what people eat.

The CCP only cares about its political achievements
and its opportunities for corruption.
They don’t care about whether people can survive or not,
as they are not elected by people.”

Beijing Normal University MBA tutor Duan Shaoyi says
labor in rural farming is very cheap with low efficiency, and
coupled with a labor shortage caused by the one child policy
has caused many rural lands to be ignored.
Though local government issued bonds seem feasible,
China is owned by officials.
Land and bonds will become means for officials’ personal gain.

The report also speaks of reform to zero or low-cost land prices,
and says local land sales are to be owned by central government.
Duan Shaoyi thinks these can only aggravate corruption.

Due Shaoyi: “Now the central government
is too powerful financially.
The local goverments don’t have much financial assets.
This has caused corruption.
Local governments want more financial support.
They must go to the central government to build relationships.
Whoever visits the central government gets the money.
The gate of the NDRC compound is the most popular."

Duan Shaoyi says provincial offices in Beijing
are mainly for bribing agencies to win financial support.
