






中国宪政学者陈永苗:“130对于普通老百姓、对于西方世界或整个历史来说,这种政体是不是好的,他们不考虑这些问题。256 我觉得它说了什么并不重要,最重要的是你得紧紧的抓住它,它想干什么,它想骗住你,想维护自己的权力,它想搞法西斯主义,它想维护它的统治地位,它想把自己塑造成这个国家的主人。”








采访/田净 编辑/王子琦 后制/郭敬

A Second Cultural Revolution? Official Media Publish Four Articles Criticizing Constitutionalism.

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) state media published
a series of articles on Tuesday and Wednesday.
The articles claimed criticized
the concept of constitutionalism.
Constitutionalism is said to ‘beat about the bush’,
and negates China’s road to development.
The articles referred to the “China Dream”,
consisting of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
This was referred to as the ‘truth of the universe’,
and a request was made to all party members to
treat the party character as a Christian treats God.
These articles caused a strong reaction,
and criticized by the international community.

After “Red Flag Presentation” (Hongqi Wengao)
published an article on Tuesday, official media
“Global Times" immediately published an editorial.

The article claimed “constitutionalism” ‘beat about
the bush’, and is simply using new words to try
to convince China to accept a western system.

“People’s Daily" also published an article on Wednesday.

This discussed the “party character vs divinity”,
which means party members belief in the party
character is like Christians belief in God.
On the same day, “Liberation Army” published an article,
claiming “the doctrine we believe is the truth of the universe”.

This triggered a hot debate in China’s academic
field, as well as on China social media.
Some netizen said that finally, the CCP
admitted publicly that it’s a regime.
Many netizens posted pages from a
March 29, 2001 edition of “People’s Daily",
In this edition, there was an article criticizing
Falun Gong, and claiming it to be a cult.
Netizens forwarded the article, to
indicate that the real cult is the CCP.

Dai Qing, China expert: “I think this gang of people are crazy.
The only thing they want to do is curry favor with Xi Jinping.
All of them are crazy. Their words are crazy,
as they didn’t feel ashamed to say these words.
In that past, Mao Zedong’s strategic thinking
was used, and so these can’t be used any more.
But the new words they created have no
meaning for today’s people. It is nonsense.”

He Bing, the Deputy Dean of the Law School, China
University of Political Science commented online.
There are even people exclaiming that being
ruled by people is better than being ruled by law.

Chen Yongmiao, China constitutional scholar:
“Consider ordinary Chinese people, as well as the
western world, and also taking history into account.
The CCP didn’t consider any of this. They don’t think
about it. I think what has been said isn’t important.
The most important thing is to grasp what it wants
to do. It wants to cheat you to maintain its power.
It wants to engage in military doctrine.

It wants to maintain its ruling regime. It wants
to portray itself as the leader of the country.”

Zhang Qianfan, Vice President of Chinese Constitutional
Association, and professor from the Law School at
Peking University, commented in a microblog on May 22.
There appears to be some who want
to launch a second “Cultural Revolution”.

Zhang Lifan, a modern history scholar
also commented in his microblog.
After reading these four ugly articles of the “new two
newspapers and one magazine”, many friends
proclaimed that there is another “Cultural Revolution”.
I want to give them a sentence of Carl Marx.

“Hegel said that in some place, all great events
and people in the world history appear twice.
He forgot one more thing: the first appearance
was a tragedy, and the second was a farce.”

Ma Yuzhong, a Democrat from Mainland China,

“[Xi Jinping] wants to take this road, and it’s fatal
that he will become the ‘subjugation of the king’.
At present, it’s extremely wrong to kill
a constitution, and to close this door.
It creates good grounds, and a ripe environment
for a tragedy. The Cultural Revolution may repeat.”

However, China constitutional scholar
Chen Yongmiao has a different view.

Chen Yongmiao: “They won’t
begin a new Cultural Revolution.
This includes Bo Xilai and Xi Jinping.

They are unable to behave like Mao Zedong,
and use force from within the system, that is,
the force of the people to break bureaucracy.
The thing they will do is repair bureaucracy, and to oil it.

The second thing, is that in the current global
political and economic conditions, it is unable
to launch a Cultural Revolution any more.
Yet another reason is that in Mao Zedong’s era, the
whole system was closed, and information was blocked.
This is the reason that it can launch the Cultural Revolution.”

In addition, Yang Xiaoqing, a professor from
the Law School of China People’s University,
published an article on Wednesday.
“Constitutionalism is a kind of capitalism, which
isn’t part of socialism with Chinese characteristics”.
But many famous Chinese famous legal scholars
published articles on the “Chinese Constitutional”
website of China People’s University, to refute this claim.

A netizen responded online. “Constitutionalism
is incompatible with a socialist system”.
The comment, itself is correct. In light of history,
it has been proved that “socialism" does not work.
It highlights the real facts from each socialist country,
both during history, and currently in the world.
