【禁闻】党媒论党性与中国梦 网友犀利吐槽







原中国人民公安大学法律系讲师 赵远明:“如果现在还拿共产主义作为一种理想来讲的话,这样的人我觉得不是脑残,也起码是智慧不大全。我们现在还不用说从理论上说它行不行,从实践上已经证明共产主义是不行的。因为他根本不是社会主义!不是走入共同社会的社会制度,他是权贵的一种集权社会!”




中国社会民主党中央委员会主持人 刘因全:“比如说他们的阶级斗争观点、无产阶级专政理论,简单的说就是杀人。从毛泽东领着造反,把有钱人都打成地主、富农,杀掉﹔把有思想的人打成右派,整掉﹔把一些企业家打成资本家,整掉,把他们的财产没收。现在,搞计划生育﹔打击信仰团体,和共产党不是同共体的,全部消灭掉或者进行打击。这完全是背离了宇宙的真理。”



采访/李韵 编辑/周平 后制/薛莉

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) controlled
media “People’s Daily” published an article.
“Party Members Belief in the Party
Character is like Christians Belief in God”.
The “Liberation Army Daily" also published a
commentary article on May 22, entitled “Where the
Self-Confidence of the Chinese Dream Comes From”.
In the article, it stated that “the doctrine
we believe is the truth of the universe”.
This article was highlighted by
netizens with sharp criticism.

Recently, the propaganda machinery of the CCP has
launched an initiative, to promote the “Chinese Dream”.
For example, the “Global Times" said “Allow
influential people to have self-confidence first”.
The “People’s Daily" commented, “that one should speak
out using the party character, to be ground-breaking”.
All this content negates any universal values.

The “People’s Daily" said in its article that, “party members
belief in the party character is like Christians belief in God”.
From the new-democratic revolution until now, during
the past 30 years, a group of proletarian revolutionaries,
who are full of strong beliefs, chose the CCP to lead
people, and to build a new country, after a bloody process.
The process was so hard that it was like Moses leading
the Israelites wandering in the wilderness for 40 years.
Finally, they arrived at “Promised Land",
which “is full of milk and honey".
One stark difference was Moses held
a magical cane that was given by God.
The communists of that generation held the
“Party Character”, as people followed the CCP.

Netizen Yitian commented that Moses obeyed
God’s call to lead the Israelites in leaving Egypt.
Wandering in the wilderness for 40 years,
they finally arrived at the promised land where
“milk and honey was flowing everywhere”.
Then, the CCP chooses to use this example,
with words of “long live the proletariat”.
They then claim that “the doctrine
we believe is the truth of the universe”.
This will bring people to a place which is full
of “secret mistresses and secret secretaries”.

Online comments quoted the article from
“Liberation Army Daily”, “Where the Self
Confidence of the Chinese Dream Comes From”.
The article said “Faith is the soul of the
Chinese Dream, and consciousness is its root”.
“The doctrine we believe is the truth of the universe”.

A netizen responded to the article, with “I speak to
you with a reality”, that the truth of the universe is a
“respect of the rule of nature”, and it isn’t “communism”.

Zhao Yuanming, a former teacher, Law Department,
China People’s Public Security University:
“If now there are people treating communism
as his ideal, I think he must be either brain
damaged, or at least he is intellect has failed.
Now, we no longer need to consider
whether it can work theoretically or not.
In practice, communism has
been proved that it cannot work.
In fact, it’s not socialism; it’s not directed to a society for
everybody, but a totalitarian society only serving officials.”

Zhao Yuanming comments that there are only two
countries in the world that use the name of socialism.
These are China and North Korea.

Zhao Yuanming: “At present, North Korean’s don’t
have food to eat, nor clothes to wear, but it still
uses the name of socialism to apply a dictatorship.
All socialism in the world is the same. It is
used to apply dictatorship and authoritarian rule.
In these countries, the small groups of officials
occupy most of the wealth in the society.
This is because socialism is
the primary stage of communism.
If the primary stage is bad, do you
still desire the middle or latter stages?”

Liu Yinquan, Chair of the Chinese Social Democratic
Party in the U.S. described the connotations of the CCP.

Liu Yinquan: “For example, their mindset of
class struggle and proletarian dictatorship
philosophy simply means murdering.
For example, when Mao Zedong led the
rebellion, the upper classes were killed.
After that, the landowners and intellectuals
were killed for not supporting communism.
The entrepreneurs were killed, and labeled capitalists,
and all their properties were confiscated by the CCP.
Now, the CCP has the one-child policy, using abortion.
It is also against, and ‘re-educates’ faith-based groups.
Anybody who has a different opinion
is wiped out or was suppressed.
Those actions are fully against the truth of the universe.”

Liu Yinquan also commented that although the CCP
launched many reforms, people aren’t in a normal situation.
They have been poisoned by the CCP
propaganda and Party culture for many years.
In this kind of situation, the “Liberation Army Daily" still
uses “the doctrine we believe is the truth of the universe”.
They are trying to fool the Chinese people, which
is really ridiculous, according to Liu Yinquan.

Zhao Yuanming also said after these articles
were published, a large number of Chinese
people are surely laughing at the CCP.
