【禁闻】党媒抨击港人拒捐 被指无耻

【新唐人2013年05月01日讯】党媒抨击港人拒捐 被指无耻



不过这篇文章一出,立刻招来网友的一片骂声, 有人质疑,“少数人怎么可能否决捐助提议呢?《人民日报》的骗术一点都没与时俱进,还是以为大陆民众就像几十年前那样好骗。”



悉尼学者联署 撤黄洁夫名誉教授



支持罢免活动的澳大利亚绿党国会议员舒布瑞杰(David Shoebridge)则说,进行死囚的器官移植是不道德行为,澳洲要修改法律,将之视为犯罪。


死灰复燃 中共军方黑客重操旧业






China’s State-Run Media Criticizes Hong Kong For
Refusing To Donate For Earthquake Relief

On May 29th the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece
People’s Daily (overseas edition) issued an article.
It was entitled “Minority of Hong Kong People Boycott Donating
for Disaster Relief, Do Their Reasons Stand Up to Scrutiny?”
Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying suggested donating
for Ya’an earthquake relief.
Hong Kong legislative council vetoed the proposal.
The article denounced them.

The article said that minority of Hong Kong people
launched a “resisting donation movement”.
They believe donated money lacks supervision in Mainland China.

The article said this reason doesn’t stand up,
it politicizes the donation event.

However, after the article was published,
it triggered many netizens curses.
Some queried “how can the minority people veto
the donation proposal?”
People’s Daily’s lies didn’t keep up with time, still thinking
that mainland people can be cheated like some years back.

Some people said, “In the world, only Communist China
forces people to donate.”

Someone else said, “It has lost conscience value
to donate for the CCP;
One corrupt official’s money could be enough
to help this disaster.”

Sydney Scholars Jointly Urge Removal Of Huang Jiefu’s
title of Honorary Professor

Recently, a group of Australia scholars of Sydney University
jointly requested the university to remove Huang Jiefu’s title of honorary professor.
Huang is former vice minister of Chinese Health Department.

Maria Singh, founder of this campaign,
professor at Medical School said that
they couldn’t accept the honorary professor participated
in organ harvesting from executed prisoners.

David Shoebridge, Greens member of Australian
parliament supports the campaign.
He said that it’s immoral to steal organs from executed prisoners.
Australia should modify the law to treat that behavior as criminal.

Huang is an authority on organ harvesting in Mainland China.

During his service as vice minister of State Health Department,
he admitted openly that
the organs of executed prisoners are the main sources
of organs transplant.

British Media: Beijing’s Cyber Spies Are Back In Business

On April 29th UK’s “The Times” newspaper reported “ Chinese
People’s Liberation Army (PLA) have assumed attacks against
Western companies three months after being publicly accused
of “wholesale theft” of intellectual property and state secrets.”

Experts at British Aerospace (BAE) detected “spear fishing”
attempt to hack computers of a Western defense sector company.

Analysis by the BAE cyber security subsidiary Detica found

that the malicious code in the attack was linked to the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) PLA cyber attack three months ago.

Dave Garfield, spokesman at Detica believes that
the PLA hackers just resume the business.
He said: “We had seen consistent activity from them
and then deathly silence until this week.
This is some malware very similar to the previous attacks
(Comment Crew malware).”
