【禁闻】黄金72小时后 雅安军警反大增

【新唐人2013年04月25日讯】黄金72小时后 雅安军警反大增




喉舌责媒体打扰救援 遭炮轰





4月23号,新疆喀甚巴楚县发生严重暴力事件,导致21人死亡,8人被抓。中共将事件定性为 “严重恐怖袭击事件”。




Ya’an Military And Armed Police Increase After Golden Rescue Period

On April 24th, the golden rescue period for
earthquake victims came to an end.
Yet, local residents have discovered military and
armed police stationed at Ya’an are on the increase.
Mr. Wei, a local resident, says that in the last two days,
military camps and armed police are everywhere.
Mr. Wei wonders why armed police are in disaster areas,
including every school.
Mr. Wei told NTD’s reporter that for rescue work or
road repairs, the Engineering Corps comes first.
But now, after an earthquake, when victims are so short of
food, the government sends a large number of armed police.
Ordinary people cannot help but wonder.

Mainland media reported that Chengdu Military Region,
dispatched more than 9500 officers and soldiers
to assist rescue work in 12 counties,
including Lushan and BaoXing.
Yet, Mr. Zhu of Lushan County told NTD that on April 24th,
there were nearly10,000 armed police in Lushan alone.

Mainland Media Interfere With Rescue Work

On April 24th, the Chinese Communist Party CCP)
mouthpiece People’s Daily published an article, “Do not disturb rescue work."
It accused reporters entering disaster areas of interfering
with the rescue work.
The article has caused a public uproar.

One netizen says, “Where you can go, others can also go.

You go to make up lies, but others cannot go
to provide a factual report.
Why don’t you back out first, and
leave room for genuine media."
Another netizen comments, “People’s Daily, please
do not disturb people.
Your very existence is disturbing to others."

Liu Jia, producer of a German TV station: " following the
standards of the disaster area reporting, you guys aren’t qualified to enter those areas."
The deputy editor of Southern Weekly says: “Media like
‘People’s Daily,’ enjoys the Party’s privilege.
By openly asking other media not to go to disaster areas,
shows what shameless truly means.
Exactly which media exhausts resources, including
air travel, roads, food, and tents?"

Chinese Regime’s Suppression Causes Violence In Xinjiang

On April 23rd, serious violence broke out in Bachu County,
Xinjiang Province.
21 people were killed, and 8 were arrested.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) labeled
it a “serious terrorist incident."
BBC Chinese net reported that Dilixiati, spokesman for
the World Uighur Congress, said based on local information,
the incident was caused by Uighur groups’resistance to
the CCP brutally entering someone’s home and killing one Uighur youth.
Rebiya Qadir, President of the World Uyghur Congress, said
the CCP’s repressive policy led to the latest violence in Xinjiang.
