


















采访/朱智善 编辑/王子琦 后制/萧宇

Beijing’s Demand for Patriotic Executive Triggers Debates in HK

China’s director of NPC Law Committee Qiao Xiaoyang,
recently commented how Hong Kong’s Chief Executive
must first be someone patriotic,
not anyone confronting the central government.
His remarks stirred up controversial discussions and criticism.
Qiao proposed “three resolutions" read as Beijing’s bottom line.

On Mar. 24 during talks with 37 pro-CCP members
from the Hong Kong Legislative Council,
Qiao laid out his bottom line as candidates for
Hong Kong’s Chief Executive.

Tam Yiu-chung, Chairman of Hong Kong pro-Beijing
Party DAB, quoted Qiao’s “three resolutions”:
1) Hong Kong’s Chief Executive by universal suffrage,
must be implemented by 2017 without delay;
2) Chief Executive must be “patriotic" without
confrontation with the central government;
3) Universal suffrage must abide by HK’s Basic Law
and decisions from the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress.

Local communities in Hong Kong immediately
responded to Qiao’s talks on patriotism.
Hong Kong freelance writer Zhang Chengjue:
“This so-called ‘patriotic’ means love only for Beijing, love only for CCP.
His definition of patriotism equals Party-patriotism,
whereas love for Hong Kong only serves as a camouflage.
It makes no sense at all, why would Hong Kong people
not love their own country ?”

Hong Kong freelance writer Zhang Chengjue pointed out that,
CCP plays an old tune with such dictions.
Its main purpose is to control the universal suffrage in 2017.

Zhang Chengjue: “CCP is simply repeating its cliche.

In the 2017 universal suffrage, each person will have a vote,
different from the current small circle election by 1600 delegates.
Now they issue such public remarks to warm HK people that
they will have to follow the will of Beijing’s order.
Otherwise Beijing will not recognize a publicly
elected executive. This is nothing but a threat.”

Audrey EU, Chairman of Hong Kong’s Civic Party,
expressed deep disappointment at Qiao’s remarks.
Lee Cheuk-yan, Chairman of Hong Kong Labor Party, said he
takes Qiao’s statement as a declaration of war to HK people.

Xiong Li, leader of a Hong Kong Dance company:
“They [CCP] count the love for CCP as love for HK and China,
but we do not believe so. We have different standards.
CCP always confuses the concepts of party and state.
It deliberately muddles right and
wrong to take advantage of the confusion.
Without clarifying this issue, many problems in HK
will remain un-resolved.”

Xiong Li also pointed out that CCP’s so-called patriotism
is to maintain the one-party dictatorship, which conflicts the core values of Hong Kong people.

Xiong Li: “We believe in such values as human rights,
freedom, democracy, and the rule of law.
We do love the country. What we love is the Chinese nation
and Chinese people, not necessarily Chinese Communist Party.
We distinguish between them very clearly.
In fact, we believe that only anti-CPP is real patriotism.”

Zhang Chengjue also believes that Qiao’s remarks
further reveal CCP’s true nature.

Zhang Chengjue: “With these words, Qiao has uncovered the
truth of the so-called universal suffrage of 2017 in advance.
It will not be a genuine universal suffrage but only a game,
or otherwise a trick under CCP’s control.
CCP always follows such logic, “I am indeed a rogue.
What would I be afraid of when I am a rogue?”

Mainland Internet users widely posted on Weibo
about this issue.

A netizen Sistar Chen Huimin said, if the Chief Executive
of Hong Kong is not even patriotic of HK and China,
how can he seek the well-being of Hong Kong people at all?

Internet user Passer-by on Weibo,
questioned what patriotism really means.
He asked in his post, are those corrupt officials patriotic?

Are those political dissidents patriotic when they are jailed
for their fight for democracy and human rights?
The so-called patriotism indeed impedes
HK’s democratic progress.

Some users asked: “Where can we take exams for
this ‘Patriotic Certificate?”

Albert Chen, member of HK Basic Law Committee
and Hong Kong University professor of law,
said on Mar. 23rd that “patriotic" is a political concept,
not a legal concept.
HK Basic Law does not include terms on “patriotism."
