【禁闻】河北村民办报 领先新闻自由潮流





河北民报《百姓之声》编辑 何建国: “村里面一些账务,你像村里有好些企业,企业每年盈利多少钱?还有地产商,卖土地、卖楼,卖了多少钱?开发商是谁?老百姓没有知情权。我们这个村民自治,都是村集体组织,都是股民,他有好多利润应该是分成的。像我们有些土地卖掉以后,土地卖给开发商了,钱,村民们也没有分到,钱都干什么用了?也没有公开。就是揭露这些事情。”

《百姓之声》的编辑们说,他们还没有发现村委主任的腐败证据,但是却发现并公开了他的三辆奥迪车照片。其中一辆奥迪Q7 在中国的卖价在10万至25万英镑之间。








采访编辑/秦雪 后制/李智远

Village Newspaper in Hebei Leads Freedom of Press Trend

Two local newspapers in Nan-Gao-Ying Village, near
Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province have started a battle.
One is full of Chinese Communist Party propaganda
and the other is reflecting the voice of the people.
Villagers are fighting for their rights to elect village
officials, and standing against demolition of houses,
as well as the closure of the village-run enterprises.

The two newspapers battle, which is rarely seen in a media
censored China, has attracted the attention of foreign media.

Nan-Gao-Ying Village was once an
affluent village with 8,000 residents.
Many villagers worked in local
pharmaceutical or fertilizer factories.
In 2009, after He Chun-Lu was elected as secretary of the
village committee, villagers were forced from their homes.
Their land was sold to real estate developers
for the construction of luxury apartment buildings.
In the end, only 200 villagers stayed,
but their water-supply has been cut off.
The villagers believe that He Chun-Lu sold
their land, and fattened his own bank account.

He Jian-Guo, editor of the “Voice of the People," told NTD

Television that establishing the newspaper originated from
some unfair things that happened in the village.
Villagers informed the government a few times.

There were no results, so they are using the
newspaper to expose them, and to help people publicly.

He Jian-Guo: “Villagers don’t have the right to know whether
village enterprises make money or not at the end of the year.
They are not told what the real estate
developers are doing with their land.
Who are the developers? We are the shareholders,
and we should share some of the profits.
After the land was sold to developers, the villagers should
get some of the profits. We like to expose these things.”

The editors of “Voice of the People" said that
they have not found evidence of corruption.
However, they found photographic evidence
of He Chun-Lu driving three Audi cars.
One of them, the Audi Q7, sells
for £100,000-250,000 in China.

Another editor He Yan-Hong said that village officials
have closed down all village-run enterprises to run real
estate business, so the villagers have lost their jobs.

He Yan-Hong: “Our village had a population
of 10,000, and a few thousand acres of land.
It used to be Bei-Qiang Village in Hebei, and had our
own economic system–many village enterprises.
Since the elected official took office,
he shut down all the enterprises.
He told us that it was due to the losses of our businesses.
From some of the survey data, there should not be losses.
The pharmaceutical industry should not lose money.
The real reason is that he wants to sell real estate."

Villagers of Nan-Gao-Ying Village are very angry
with the autocratic official and his corruption.
They want to hold a general election
to elect village officials they trust.
According to the regulations, they should hold their election
every three years, which should have been last April.
The town government dragged its feet and held it in May.
However, due to election fraud, it was declared invalid.
Although the villagers requested a re-election,
the authorities have yet to hold another election.

The “Voice of the People” used to be
known as Gao-Ying-Ming-Xin Newspaper."
It challenges the other newspaper in reporting and content.
The newspapers endorse and promote different candidates.
He Jian-Guo is one of four editors at the “Voice of the
People." He was once a pharmaceutical salesman.

After “Voice of the People” won the villagers’ trust,
He Jian-Guo has become the most promising candidate.
His campaign platform is “fairness
and openness about village affairs."

He Jian-Guo: “We want to establish a complete monitoring
system, which can deal with village officials effectively.
We want a system that village affairs go to the council first.

Then it has a process of consent from village
representatives before implementing any policy."

In August 2012, “Gao-Ying-Ming-Xin Newspaper”
was being reported as an illegal publication.
The printing company informed He Yan-Hong shortly
before the 18th Congress that they could no longer print.
On November 21, the newspaper changed it’s printing
company and renamed it the “Voice of the People."
So far, it has continued to voice election topics.
