【禁闻】支持中共的“境外势力” 首推苏联




中国法学专家赵远明:“因为外来势力这个定义,首先它(中共)就没有定义好,它可能单独只是想反华,但是有些人并非是反华,可能是跟你政见不同或者是对社会理解的观点不同,它就统统作为反华势力。 外来势力﹗首先势力这个词你怎么理解,它(中共)用一个混淆不清楚的概念来栽赃陷害,然后摆脱自己的责任。”






香港作家、自由撰稿人 张成觉:“它(中共)从一开始成立也是靠苏联,拿卢布,长征以后也是靠苏联撑着嘛,各个环节重要时刻都是苏联给他钱,给它人力,给它武器,它才能生存,境外能力很明显了就是苏联,也就是列宁的祖国。”




赵远明:“中国的法律都是骗人的,样子摆着给人看的,真正在实际实施当中,没人严格按法律办事,尤其是执政党中共邪党所有官员都是欺上瞒下,遇到具体问题时候,百姓在国内不管通过上访,通过上诉,通过起诉都不能维护自己的权力,他就觉得在中国遇到问题,唯一可以得到比较公平对待的都是外来势力, 。”


采访/李韵 编辑/黄亿美 后制/萧宇

‘Foreign Forces’: CCP’s Foes of Allies?

When domestic unrests occur, Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) blames the so-called “anti-China forces."
Many netizens dislike this excuse of the CCP,
and some tracked its roots.
They found it to come from the early PRC’s “foreign forces"
— CCP’s ancestor, the Soviet “Comintern" organization.

On February 8th, the Voice of America reported, when
domestic unrests occur in China, the communist regime always blames them on overseas anti-China forces.

The article said, cases like the “June 4th movement,"
CCP had always attributes to anti-communist forces;
CCP even related the blame to the Dalai Lama, and
he was regarded as the black hand behind “June 4th”event.
Early this year, in the case of CCP media censorship
over the Southern Weekend, China Ministry of Propaganda claimed that there were foreign forces behind the event.

Zhao Yuanming, Chinese law expert: “CCP had never
defined clearly the concept of foreign forces.
Maybe there are some people who are only against
the Chinese Communist Party, but not against China.
Many people have different understandings and opinions
on society, thus they were called anti China forces, or foreign forces.
First, how do you understand the word “force”?

CCP keeps this concept unclear, so they can use it to confuse
and persecute people, and later on to shift responsibility.”

When two Tibetans in Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province,
were alleged for encouraging Tibetans to self-immolate,
the CCP mouthpieces reported that Tibetans were told
by foreign forces to set themselves on fire.

Zhao Yuanming: “Actually, many events of unrest
in Mainland China have nothing to do with overseas.
They are caused by the ruling of the CCP; as the CCP wants
to maintain its dictatorship, to plunder people’s wealth.
Let’s take as an example
the current demolition and anti-corruption issues.
In fact, these are methods that the CCP had always used
to appropriate civilians’ wealth.”

Chinese journalist said on a microblog: ‘“Foreign forces” –
these words are outdated; they can’t find real evidence, but their purpose is to destroy you.
What do the words “foreign forces” exactly mean anyway?’

Netizen Mr. Wang replied: ‘It refers to those who oppose,
or criticize CCP, damage CCP’ image, or don’t accept CCP.’

Another netizen Xiaofeng said, the CCP wants to transfer
the conflicts overseas, when all conflicts come within China.
Isn’t the Marxism-Leninism theory
from foreign forces too?

Zhang Chengjue, Hong Kong freelance writer said, in fact,
the Soviet Union is the first key foreign force of the CCP.

Zhang Chengjue: “The CCP was founded with Russia’s help,
they provided Roubles.
After the Red Army’s long march,
the CCP also relied on Russia,
including its dependence on Russia’s money, manpower and
weapons at each crucial moment, thus the CCP can survive.
So, the foreign force is obviously Russia,
Lenin’s motherland.”

According to Wikipedia, CCP was founded based
on suggestion of the communist headquarters in Moscow.

After the CCP took power in China, it started to hate
the so-called “foreign forces,” yet, many Chinese people, including some CCP officials, love them.

Zhang Chengjue: “Actually, the CCP understands
that the ‘foreign forces’ are its foundation.
The CCP officials’ families are moving to the US. This
proves they knew CCP’s boat can’t survive for much longer and it will soon sink.”

Zhao Yuanming: “Law in China is just for deceiving people.
It is superficial and a show for the public.
In reality, no one follows the law. Especially CCP’ officials,
they cheat their leaders and lie to the civilians.
Any particular problem that civilians encounter, being
an appeal or a lawsuit, civilians can’t have their rights.
Thus they feel their problems can only be resolved by
foreign forces; only they are fair, reasonable and just.”

Many Chinese petitioners hope,
foreign media will help them get justice.
Even Wang Lijun escaped to the US consulate,
when he was in a desperate situation.
Zhao Yuanming said, this indicates that even when CCP
officials inside the system encounter life threatening situations would place their hopes on the foreign forces.
