


















采访/朱智善 编辑/张天宇 后制/王明宇

New Identity of Re-Education through Labor System in China

The system of re-education through forced labor (RTL)
in China has long been the target of public criticism.
On January 7, Meng Jianzhu, new chief of the Political &
Legislative Affairs Committee of the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) announced the RTL system will be “disabled”.
Yet, sources said that the CCP regime
is drawing up a law similar to RTL system.
The regime’s touting the reforming of the RTL
system is merely gives the system a new identity.

Baidu-encyclopedia defines that the re-education through
labor system (RTL) is a detention punishment issued
by police, instead of through the judicial system.

Detainees are forced to engage in penal labor
and are subjected to political education.
The longest sentence spans four years.

Over decades, the RTL system in China has
given rise to countless victims and unjust cases.

Tang Jitian, a civil rights lawyer in China,
says that the RTL system is an evil law.
It’s against the principles of international human rights.

It also conflicts with China’s existing laws
including the Constitution and regulations and laws.

Tang Jitian: “RTL sentences aren’t
given through the judicial system.”
Rather, the public security organ has the
authority to deprive citizens’ physical liberty
for one to three years, and even up to four years.
This is a very closed proceeding unknown to the public.

Under this system, a citizen victim
is unable to resort to effective legal aid.”

Guo Xuehong, Court Vice President in Yitong,
Jilin Province, was given a one-year RTL sentence,
As he had against the harboring of an unusual defendant.

Guo Xuehong only got a telephone notification,
without getting through any judicial proceeding.
He was held in a secret place for four years since.

As of the end of 2008, CCP official data showed
that there were about 160,000 RTL detainees
held in 310 re-education centers in China.
The actual number is speculated
to be higher, and grows yearly.

Tang Jitian: “In particular, in recent years,
the alleged maintaining stability has
broadened the scope of RTL detainees.
For example, the RTL sentences were later
used to detain persons who have different
beliefs from the Chinese Communist Party.
This includes victims of officials grabbing
land, and other groups of dissidents.”

The RTL system has become the best tool for the CCP
cracking down on dissidents via “arbitrary detention”.
This enables the police, at any time, and without any cause,
to arrest or detain any person deemed “dangerous to society”.
A lack of supervision and motivation by profit has
made RTL camps to use detainees as tools for profit.

Run Sheng, Falun Gong practitioner: “Its so-called
management and education is basically scolding detainees.
Basically, they’re forced to do penal labor all day and
night,to earn money for the RTL camps and the police.
I recall that at the busiest times, the detainees
weren’t allowed to sleep for three days and nights.”

NTD reporter: “Did you go through any
legal proceedings during the RTL sentence?”
Run Sheng: “No, they didn’t even give me any
written notification for it. Just a verbal notice.”

Since 1999, when the CCP regime began
to openly suppress Falun Gong, nationwide
RTL camps have become filled to capacity.

The authorities had to release some real criminals
to “make room” to detain Falun Gong practitioners.
The major portion of the RTL detainees
are Falun Gong practitioners.

Later on, as the CCP tightens its control over
the public, as well as the spread of the internet,
China’s rights defenders, petitioners and online
activists gradually become RTL camp members.

Rights defender Cao Shunli was
a graduate of Peking University.
Cao appealed to the CCP State Council Information
Office, to endow citizens with their right to petitioning.
The police charged her with the crime of provocation.

They detained her in Beijing Women’s
Forced Labor Camp for 23 months.

Cao Shunli: “Publicly, it is named
re-education, but in fact, it is a mental torture.
That is, they forced you to admit you are
guilty and to receive their unjust punishments.
Otherwise, you’ll be subjected to heavier punishments
than those criminals who are given heavy sentences.”

Cao Shunli reveals that there are two types of RTL
management, the hard-lined and the open-ended.
Hard-line conditions is applied to Falun Gong
practitioners and a few petitioners, she says.

Cao Shunli: “Lots of petitioners and Falun Gong
practitioners refuse to admit that they are guilty.
So they’re placed under hard-line conditions,
and subjected to very inhumane tortures.
The goal of this treatment is to destroy
your will and belief, then ruin your health.”

Tang Jitian advocates the complete
abolition of the RTL system.
He says that so-called “RTL
reform” is a change in name only.
Without an independent judiciary and freedom of speech,

China’s human rights violations cannot be truly solved
with abolition of the RTL system alone, says the lawyer.
