【禁闻】李小鹏现身事故现场 暗藏3目的?
















采访编辑/常春 后制/王明宇

Looking for a Scapegoat? Li Xiaopeng Appears at Nanvl Liangshan Tunnel Accident

On January 1, Shanxi authorities held a
meeting on-site at Nanlv Liangshan tunnel.
The meeting was regarding the
recent tunnel explosion incident.

Li Xiaopeng, the acting governor of Shanxi Province,
came to the scene of the accident and was shocked
that the Central Enterprise concealed the incident.

Prior to this, because the tunnel projects were guarded
by armed police, information was completely blocked.
What meaning does Li Xiaopeng’s reaction have?
NTD Television reports.

On December 25, 2012, there was an explosion at Nanlv Liangshan tunnel, which led to the tragic death of 60 people.
China Information Center for Human Rights
and Democracy disclosed the incident.
However, on December 31, Mainland media said that
the accident caused 8 deaths and injured 5 people.

That report aroused strong suspicion.

Li Xiaopeng, the newly appointed acting governor
of Shanxi Province is former Premier Li Peng’s son.
Li came to the scene of the accident
and displayed strong reactions.
He said, in a high-profile manner, that he would
not tolerate the concealment of the accident.

Political commentator Lin Zixu thinks that Li Xiaopeng
appeared at the scene of the accident and gave
a speech was mainly to achieve three things.

Firstly, Li Xiaopeng was putting on a show.

Lin Zixu, political commentator: “Let’s carefully look at the
video provided by the Chinese Communist Party’s media.

When Li Xiaopeng spoke, there were two very
formal microphones, multi-angled shooting of the
tunnel, from inside the tunnel, and good recording.

I guess that a very large-scale reporting team was there.

Isn’t this a show, taking people’s
suffering as an official’s stepping stone?"

Hong Kong media reported that prior to the 18th
Congress, the Li family worked very hard to get
Li Xiaopeng as an alternate on the Central Committee.

However, Li Xiaopeng obtained the
least votes among 171 candidates.

He was also not popular at all in the political arena.

Liu Qikun, political commentator: “I heard Li Xiaopeng’s
becoming acting governor of Shanxi Province was a result
of his father’s great effort before the 18th Congress.

It was learned that Li Peng threatened to quit the Party.

Just imagine that such an important figure
has to resign in order to help his son."

Liu Qikun believes that Li Xiaopeng took office on a weak
footing, and his appointment was also questionable.
Thus, putting on a show, he may
gain some political advantages.
In addition, Li Xiaopeng purposely cut himself
off from the responsibility for the accident.

Lin Zixu:"At the site, Li Xiaopeng
berated officials and other people.

As a governor, isn’t he responsible?

He reprimanded others and offered no words
of apology as if he were a guardian of justice."

According to Epoch Times News Network reports,
on the eve of June 4, 2008, Li Xiaopeng became a
member of Shanxi Provincial Party Standing Committee.

A change from King of the Asia Electric into a politician.

In June 2008, Li Xiaopeng served as a member
of the government party and the vice governor,
the second highest among the seven vice governors.

Columnist Lin Baohua wrote once that in 2008, the
financial tsunami began to impact the Chinese economy.
There was a sharp drop in coal production, in addition
to difficulties in the operation of private coal mines.
Li Xiaopeng entered the political arena to safeguard the
Li family’s interests. Why did he go to Shanxi Province?
Shanxi is the largest coal-producing province and
is closely related to the generating of electricity.

Thus, he is omnipresent, controlling both fields.

However, since Li Xiaopeng took office in Shanxi,
one “man-made" disaster came after another.
Linzi Xu thinks that Li Xiaopeng appeared on-site at the
Nanlv Liangshan tunnel accident was to find a scapegoat.

That would be his ultimate purpose.

On September 8 2008, a serious dam accident
occurred at Xinta Mining Limited in Xiangfen
County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province.

At that time, Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao instructed the
need to conduct a thorough investigation of accountability.
Shanxi governor Meng Xuenong
publically apologized and resigned.

Zhang Jianmin, vice governor was removed from office.

However, Li Xiaopeng, another vice
governor, could evade his responsibility.
This time, Li Xiaopeng is the governor, so who should be
the scapegoat to take the responsibility for the accident?
