【禁闻】大陆海监机再飞钓岛 日战机拦截

【新唐人2012年12月24日讯】 大陆海监机再飞钓岛日战机拦截




大陆8民主党派表态 遭网络炮轰


而且这些民主党派的党章里却有中共领导的话,网友质疑说,“怎么会有一个党的党章规定要服从另一个党呢?那要你何用?” 也有网友建议,“取消八个花瓶党”。还有人评论说,“根本不叫一个党,只能算一个特别支部。”、“是中共的八块遮羞破布”。

美亲共侨领“被黑打”案 将开庭







Japanese Fighter Plane Stops China’s Patrol Plane
In Diaoyu Islands Area

Japanese media reported on Dec. 22nd that

China State Oceanic Administration sent a Y-12 petrol
plane 100 and 120km north of Diaoyu(Senkaku) Islands.
Japan immediately dispatched a F-12 fighter plane to stop it.

China’spatrol plane flew to the east at first, then flew away
from Diaoyu Islands territory towards the north.

The report says the Chinese plane was the same model as
the one that flew over Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands on the 13th.
But Japan’sdefense ministry says China’s patrol plane
didn’t enter the Diaoyu Islands territory on the 22nd.

Three Chinese ocean surveillance ships came into
nearby waters of Diaoyu Islands on the 21st as well.
Japan monitored them through sea and air.

Eight Mainland Democratic Parties Made
Statements, Stirring Netziens —

Mainland Chinese media reported that from Dec 3rd to 21st
eight democratic parties in the mainland finished their elections one after another.
Each party had a representative saying they must insist
on Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s rule.
Their statements received a lot of mainland
people’ssarcasm and responses.
Chinese people consider the eight democratic parties are
CCP yes-men, wasting their reputation as democracy.

Also, those democratic parties have the CCP leader’s
words in their Party constitutions.
A netizen asked “How can a Party have a rule to obey
another Party? Then what’s the point of having this Party?”
Another netizen suggested to “abolish eight useless Parties.”

Someone made a comment “They are not Parties at all, just
Party branches (of the CCP)” and “to cover the CCP’s ugliness.”

Pro-Communist American Chinese Leader Trial Starts Soon

BBC reported that American Chinese leader Hu Weisheng,
was accused of being an international gangster.
He was arrested by Public Security in Huizhou ,Guangdong City.

The trial starts on Dec. 24th. Many oversea media will attend
the trial. The US diplomatic officials also hope to be there.

The report says Hu Weisheng suffered torture in jail
including being beaten hanging upside down.
He was not allowed to eat or drink for days,
forced to eat stimulant to stay awake.
Illegal extorting of a confession took place
during the torture.

Hu Weisheng was reported by mainland China’smedia
as a “patriotic overseas Chinese”.
He is the executive chairman of National Association for
China’sPeaceful Unification in Los Angeles.
He played an important role in politics towards China
in Los Angeles.
He has been received by Chinese leaders many times.

He organized the welcome event in Los Angeles
for Xi Jinping’s visit in February.

During June 2012, Hu was arrested by Guangdong Police
as a gangster or even a leader of a gang.
He may be sentenced to death and
all investments confiscated.

All his sons and daughters stopped working and studying,
running everywhere to get help.
