【禁闻】访民新年送暖 向狱中维权者寄贺卡







维权律师高智晟胞兄高智义:“ 最近一点消息也没有。联系不上,我一直在给他们(监狱)打电话,他们不接。 (会见)是人之常情,可连这点要求都达不到,我还能有什么诉求,没办法。”



北京维权人士胡佳:“ 所有寄到政治犯的明信片,政治犯本人都收不到,当局肯定会收到,就好像是你到沙雅监狱门口举牌抗议,表达对被羁押的维权人士的支持。 这些来自海内外的温暖的话语,第一他会感化监禁你的监狱警察,第二也是提示当局有那么多人在关注着你,他们在这个事情上不能轻举妄动。”




大陆独立参选人魏忠平:“ 我希望他们(陈西等异议人士)在那个地方(监狱)能够身体健康,能够早点出来。”



采访/易如 编辑/许旻 后制/葛雷

New Year’s Greetings to Prisoners of Conscience

During the season of family gatherings, thousands
and thousands of political prisoners and dissidents
are remembered during their detention and torture
in prisons all over in China.
Human rights activists initiated a
“send greeting cards” to Gao Zhisheng activity.
Netizens also responded by participating
in the Greeting Cards Activity.
They hope to express solidarity with and send regards
to those who were wrongfully detained.

Father of the Kidney Stone Baby, Zhao Lianhai,
wrote a microblog:
“Season’s greetings to those who are far away from home.

Those who are persecuted and imprisoned for participating
in democracy, rule of law, and social progress have lost their freedom.
Their families suffer with them. These “prisoners of
conscience" are different from ordinary criminals.
Chinese New Year is around the corner.

Please give your regards and greetings
with a post card or a letter!”

This microblog was soon deleted by the authorities.

However, sending greeting cards to the illegally
detained dissidents has become a popular topic on the Internet these days.

Beijing human rights activist Hu Jia wrote on Twitter:

“For Christmas and the New Year, send a greeting card
to Gao Zhisheng imprisoned in the remote desert.”
It received massive forwarding of Gao Zhisheng’s
mailing address and many enthusiastically participated.

Referred to as China’s Conscience, human rights lawyer
Gao Zhisheng was sentenced to five years of imprisonment
in 2007 by the Communist authorities for so-called
“inciting subversion of state power."
The Shaya prison where Gao Zhisheng is detained
is notorious for its dark management and the harsh climate at its edge of desert location.

Gao Zhisheng’s family received a letter recently with
fingerprints inscribed at the end of the letter.
The letter requested his family not visit him.

Gao Zhisheng’s wife, Geng He, currently residing
in America, told Radio Free Asia on December 21
that she doesn’t believe this letter is Gao Zhisheng’s
true wish.
People are highly concerned for Gao Zhisheng’s safety.

Gao Zhisheng’s elder brother, Gao Zhiyi:
“There has been no news. I can’t get hold of them.
I have been trying to call the prison, but no one answered.

Seeing him is only human. It can’t even get granted
What else can I do? There is no other way.”

Hu Jia believes sending a postcard to Gao Zhisheng
is the alternative at this point.
At a minimum, the guards who might have some heart
will pay some respect and have some fear of lawyer Gao Zhisheng.

Hu Jia was illegally imprisoned from 2008 to 2011.

He personally experienced the cruelty towards
political prisoners.
He thinks that phone calls, diplomatic notes, media coverage,
intervening lawyers, public appeal, postcards, and greeting cards are in solidarity to the prisoners of conscience.

Beijing human rights activist Hu Jia: “None of those
political prisoners will receive the cards. But the authorities will.
They will have the same effect as a protest
in front of Shaya prison.
They show the support to those illegally detained activists.

These greetings from home and overseas will change
the prison guards.
They also warn the authorities that many people
are watching so that they’ll control their behaviors.”

Hu Jia also listed other illegally detained dissidents
that need respects paid to.
They are Tan Zuoren, Cao Haibo, Chen Kegui,
Miao Xiao, Chen Xi, and more.

Recently, family of Guizhou dissident Chen Xi revealed
that Chen Xi is in very bad physical condition in the prison.
There have been two blood drawings for no reason
by the prison authorities.
Chen Xi has been in the prison for one year.

He was charged with “inciting subversion of state power"
and was handed a 10 year imprisonment.

Independent candidate Wei Zhongping, Chen Xi’s friend,
indicates he will send a postcard to Chen Xi.

Wei Zhongping: “I which them (dissidents such as Chen Xi)
health in that place (prison) and quick release."

Wei Zhongping also indicates that sending postcards
to the dissidents in prison will also eliminate fear of the Communist Party.

In addition, Huang Qi, the person in charge
of 64tianwang.com, believes that
voices from both home and abroad are one of
the key reasons why Chinese human rights
activists have been able to continue to date.
Huang Qi calls for more attention to those who are illegally
imprisoned for defending human rights and practicing Falun Gong
and wishes for their early release from the prisons.
