【禁闻】美国会听证会 聚焦迫害 关注活摘

【新唐人2012年12月20日讯】美国会听证会 聚焦迫害 关注活摘







记者无疆界的格鲁斯卡(Ulrike Gruska)指出,造成大量记者身亡的主要原因是,“叙利亚的内战、索马里的混乱和塔利班在巴基斯坦的活动”。







U.S. Congress Conducts Hearing on Persecution
and Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners

On December 18, U.S. Congress and Congressional
Executive Commission on China (CECC)held a hearing,
called"Falun Gong in China: Review and Update."

Congressman Chris Smith, Chairman of CECC,

introduced that since 1999, tens of thousands
of Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested.
No one can tell sure how many Falun Gong practitioners
are detained long-term, and how many are still in prison.
Many were sentenced to re-education
through forced labor. Some are missing.

Eight witness experts elaborated in detail on all aspects
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s brutal
persecution of Falun Gong over the past thirteen years.

In particular, many witnesses mentioned the CCP’s
live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners.

Chris Smith expressed that the CCP’s live
organ harvesting is like a horror movie.
It is sad that this crime is going on right now.

These are as brutal as crimes committed
by Japanese soldiers in China during World War II.

He expressed that he is in the process of promoting a new
law specifically targeting the CCP’s live organ harvesting.
This is to severely punish the criminals involved.

Anyone who commits this crime in China, and his
family will be forever rejected from entering the U.S.
Their children cannot come to the U.S to study.

Reporters without Borders:
Hundreds of Reporters Are Imprisoned in China

On December 19. Reporters Without Borders released
the Global Media Freedom Annual Report.
The report states that 94 journalists
and media workers were killed in 2012.
In addition, 47 citizen journalists and bloggers, were killed.
This the highest number during the past 20 years.

Ulrike Gruska from Reports without Border highlights that
the main reason for the death of reporters are Syria’s civil
war, chaos is Somali and Taliban activities in Pakistan.

During the past year, over 1,000 reporters were
arrested, and over 2,000 were threatened or attacked.
Currently, there are nearly 200 reporters
jailed, and nearly 100 of them are in China.

The report indicates that many reporters in China
who expose scandals are obstacles for local officials.
They are often sentenced to long-term detention.

Pollution in China’s Cities Might Cause
Early Death for Thousands of People

Reuters has reported on a study conducted by Beijing
University and the Green Peace Organization.
It revealed that the micro air pollution particles in Beijing,

Shanghai, Guangzhou and Xian has caused about 8,600
early deaths in 2012, and about $100m economic loss.

The study focuses in the MP2.5 air pollution index, for
particles with a diameter equal or less than 2.5µm in the air.
These particles can be breathed into the lungs, and cause
serious damage to the respiratory system and health.
