【禁闻】广东推反腐试点 学者提廉政特区


















采访编辑/秦雪 后制/葛雷

Scholar Proposes Special Region against Corruption in Guangdong

Dozens of Chinese experts in Anti-Corruption
met in Guangzhou on the 15th.
In the second annual symposium on integrity (honest government) system and innovation,
experts proposed to initiate an anti-corruption
pilot station in response to the initiative.
Special regions against corruption were also proposed.

Ge Jianxiong, Professor of Fudan University and Standing
Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference,
told NTD that he does not believe there is any use for it.

The anti-corruption under the new leadership
will fail like many other movements in the past.
The success of anti-corruption has to depend on
the public’s participation. The following is our report.

In the symposium, member of the Guangdong Provincial
Commission for Discipline Inspection, Wang Xingning,
introduced reform and innovation in Guangdong.

It will institutionalize anti-corruption following the
practices and experiences of Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption.

Wang Xingning mentioned three regions have been chosen
for an anti-corruption pilot study in Guangdong.
Policies such as transportation system for the officials,
and declaration of leading cadres’ family asset are implemented.

Since taking over the leadership of the Chinese Communist
regime, Xi Jinping particularly emphasized on the urgency of fighting corruption.
He claimed that corruption may lead to the ruin of
the Party and the regime.

History professor at Fudan University, Ge Jianxiong,
told NTD that corruption of Communist regime is rampant.
He holds little hope for the so-called anti-corruption
movement launched by the new leadership.

Fudan University history Professor Ge Jianxiong:
“I think the majority of the Chinese officials are corrupt.
We also see it in the news very often.
The anti-corruption effort of officials has not much effect."

Ge Jianxiong also indicated that,
“A new broom sweeps clean."
The authorities will punish some corrupt officials for sure.
Whoever gets caught is simply out of luck.

Professor Ren Jianming, School of Public Administration,
Beihang University, proposed special regions against corruption.
He indicated that these regions are the pilot areas for
in-depth and comprehensive anti-corruption and reform.
He recommended Qianhai, Zhuhai, and Hengqin as
the pilot areas in Shenzhen.
Ren Jianming is confident these pilot areas will succeed
in 5 to 10 years.

Professor Ge Jianxiong, however, does not believe
these initiatives will put an end to corruption.

Ge Jianxiong: “I don’t think it’s possible.
It’s not very realistic.
Anti-corruption is talked about all the time.
Corrupt officials are endless.
One steps down, another will step up.
As long as there’s official, and class, some acts of corruption will exist."

Ge Jianxiong believes that government-led
anti-corruption is hard to be effective.
Success of anti-corruption has to rely on the
public participation and supervision of the system.

Ge Jianxiong: “It’s like the Internet,
it will only succeed with people’s participation.
I don’t expect any one particular departmental unit
to correct the corruption. People have to be involved."

Liu Jiulong, Ph.D. candidate of Department of Social
Sciences, the Hong Kong Institute of Education, submitted his thesis at the Guangzhou symposium.
His thesis entitled, “Study of the sick promotion phenomenon
of Mainland sacked officials,” analyzed 43 sacked provincial and ministerial level officials in 2002.
The so-called sick promotion means to be promoted
with known corruption.

Liu Jiulong’s research found that among the corrupt
and sacked officials, 3/4 were at the sub-provincial level.
As for the time the first corruption behavior took place,
3/4 occurred at the departmental level.
It suggests that majority of those who were sacked had been
promoted to the level of the deputy provincial cadres.

Liu Jiulong’s study also found the average age of first
corruption act was 47 years old, and the average age of those who were first found guilty was 58 years old.
These so-called sick promotions indicated an average corrupt
history of 10 years for those who were corrupt and sacked.

Sina.net reported that property declaration of the officials
mostly took place only for cadres with prospected promotion.
Information is only known to the internal units. Section-level
cadres have become major targets in these pilot regions.

Pilot reform regions such as Cixi City of Zhejiang,
and Huaian City of Jiangsu targeted county level cadres.
However, information is only made available to the units
and the internal websites, not the public.
