【禁闻】粤市民遭警察暴殴 35次投诉无果
















采访/陈汉 编辑/李明飞 后制/王明宇

Citizen in Guangzhou Violently Assaulted by Police
For No Reason Not Settled After 35 Complaint Calls

At the end of October, Chen Yunyu, a Guangzhou citizen,

was beaten by local police for no reason. Chen has made
more than 30 complaint calls to 110.
To date, he has never received any response.
Chen’s father has even threatened the police.
The police lied that Chen was a Falun Gong ring
leader, telling his father to stay away from Chen.

Chen Junyu told NTDTV that he was intercepted suddenly by
a police officer when he was shopping near his home.
The police asked to check Chen’s identity card but he didn’t
show his own ID.
Chen Junyu told the police he didn’t bring his ID with him
but he could go back home and get it.
However, Chen wasn’t allowed to go home but was taken to
the lobby of the police station on Jianshe street.

Chen Junyun reminded the police that it’s not illegal
in China if citizens don’t bring their ID with them.
It was the police who had violated the law by asking
to check the citizen’s ID without showing their own ID.
Therefore, Chen has the right to ask for compensation.

Unexpectedly, Chen’s defense caused a lot of insulting words
from 3 other police and 2 police assistants.
When Chen tried to take a picture of them,
he was beaten.

Chen Junyu: “What’s even worse is that the Director
of the police station, Mr. Lin, was at the scene.
However, Lin didn’t stop the police from beating me
but encouraged their behavior.
I was hurt all over my body. My waist and neck
were crushed.
The medical record from hospital can prove the
severity of the injury that was caused to me.”

Chen Junyu stated that the lobby of police stations is
a place where a citizen can visit freely.
The lobby is not a public section of a police station.
Therefore, taking a picture in the lobby is not against any law.
The two monitoring cameras in the lobby of the police station
have videoed the whole process.

At 8pm on the same day,
Chen Junyu lodged a complaint to 110.
The processor of 110 claimed that the complaint had already
been passed on to the Police Supervision Division of the Municipal Police Station of Guangzhou.

On November 2, A police officer (with surname Zhang)
from the Police Commanding Center of Yuexiu District called Chen Junyu.
Zhang asked Chen Junyu about what happened on
that day all over again.
However, when Chen asked Zhang how the investigation
was going, Zhang didn’t give any answer.
Zhang promised that his supervisor would conclude
the investigation in a couple of hours and then hung up.
However, Cheng has never ever
heard back from Zhang.

On November 26th, a policeman surnamed Xiao (No. 021295),

who claimed to be from the supervision office of Yuexue
District Substation, Public Security Bureau of Guangzhou City,
called Junyu Chen and said that he had already watched the
surveillance video and that the investigation conclusion was:
“The 3 policemen and 2 police assistants actually didn’t beat
Junyu Chen but took some enforcement actions against him.”

Junyun Chen queried why they took the so called
enforcement actions against him,
and requested that the policeman surnamed Xiao provide
the legal evidence and law documentation for taking the enforcement actions.
The policeman surnamed Xiao immediately corrected himself
and said that he could not see the shots clearly showing that Junyu Chen was beaten.
He said he needed to ask the executives before replying.
However, after that he disappeared completely.

Junyu Chen insisted on giving a call to 110 almost every day
and inquired after the progress of his complaints.
Up until December 8th, he has called up to 35 times.

However, Chen has not received any reply.
Moreover, the nightmare even extended to his father.

Junyu Chen: “On December 5th, a policeman surnamed Lai
(No. 022980) from the local police station of Jianshe Street, went for my father directly.
He cheated, intimidated, and threatened my father in public.
He said to my father that I am the ringleader of local Falun Gong.
He asked my father to warn me not to call 110 any more to
complain to the local police station about the case of them beating me.
Otherwise, they will consider me as one of the Falun Gong
practitioners and take action against me.
They also warned my father that it would be better that
he keep away from me. Otherwise, they will harm him also.”

Junyu Chen’s father who was already seriously ill,
was hurt by the threatening phone calls and became even sicker.
Junyu Chen said that he had never learned Falun Gong.

He asked the police to give a detailed explanation of
how he could be “the ringleader of Falun Gong”.

Wenxun Tong, a human rights lawyer from Taiwan, thinks that
if Junyu Chen’s case had happened in Taiwan,
both the police chief and the policeman who beat Junyu Chen,
would first be administratively demoted or even be dismissed,
and that the case would then be solved
through legal procedure.

Wenxun Tong, the human rights lawyer from Taiwan:
“From this case, it can be seen that China is completely without rule of law.
the judicial and police systems originally had a clear
organizational structure following constitutional law,
but the whole structure has been damaged by the
Commission of Politics and Law of the CCP.
The police have become their hatchet men

In the same way as those in gangster organizations
and are serving private interests and the privileged class.”

Junyu Chen calls on society and the media to continue
keeping an eye on this case and exposing police criminality.
