





十八大后 异议人士仍被打压








Netizens: Chinese New Passport Pushed Chinese People Onto Front-line.

The new Chinese passport includes a controversial map
which triggered objection and protest from the Philippines, Vietnam and India.
Countries relating to the map
issued special restrictive measures.
The issue also aroused netizens controversy in China.
Many posted their opinions online.

Some posts expressed that the new passport map
worsens the international dispute and is very irrational.

Many believe that this move is to push Chinese people onto
the front lines, forcibly being involved and paying the bill.

Some said Chinese passport holders have been discriminated
against already and this action is extremely useless.
“This time we are completely stuck at home,"
a netizen exclaimed.

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 18th Congress Ended But Activists Were Still Suppressed

After the CCP’s 18th Congress ended, news of suppressed
activists and restriction of freedom continues to circulate.
In Beijing, Hubei, Zhejiang and many other provinces,
many dissidents and citizens’ freedom are still restricted.

Sources said that Qin Yongmin, a human rights activist
in Hubei province, went missing before the CCP’s congress.
There still has not been follow-up news regarding him.

Zhejiang democrats, Chen Shuqing and Lu Gengsong,
were recently interviewed by National Security personnel.
On Nov. 24, Xu Zhiyong, a human rights activist in Beijing,
planned to meet with writer and lawyer friends,
but was prevented from doing so and was detained
for thirty hours.
in addition, the freedom of Ding Jiaxi, a Beijing activist lawyer,
as well as Li Huaping, an activist in Shanghai, was restricted.

Labor of Japanese-Owned Company In Shenzhen On Strike

Over thousands of workers from Japanese-owned factory,
Chichibu Precision Co. Ltd in Shenzhen, Guangdong went on strike.
Due to the factory’s plans to relocate to Huizhou, workers
are requesting compensation for moving.
Neither side wants to make a concession,
thus causing a three-day strike.

Workers who posted news online said that on Nov. 26,
hundreds of workers joined a protest in the rain.
They hung red banners over the building that read,
“Strike to the end, no compromise, return our legal rights and interests."
Some protesters shout slogans, some quietly support,
some whistled, some stood by, no violence occurred.

Radio Free Asia reported that negotiations between the two
sides are still deadlocked, an agreement hasn’t been reached yet.
