








79年大陆“民主墙”创办人之一蔡桂华: “ 说明里面权势斗争还是不平静,权力的分配说明里面的冲突很厉害,并不是说下一届的习、李主持这个政治舞台的话,他就一定会像邓小平那个一言九鼎,可能这一届的政府比前一届政府更会弱化一点,权势下面的暗潮汹涌,各派互相牵扯、牵制,然后在暗下做乱。”


蔡桂华: “就从现在常委人数来说,都没有确定下来,还在一会儿7常委一会儿9常委,就可想而知,下一届当政者面临垄断权力是多么艰难,这种结果可能就会…政治权势里面出现真空状态…中共的崩裂裂痕越大,对中国应该说是越有利。反过来说,都是专制铁板一块的话,对老百姓来说应该是个灾难。”



采访编辑/刘惠 后制/李月


Number Of Standing Committee Seats Shows The Secret

The 18th Congress of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is nearly finished.However, it is still unclear if the number of Politburo members will be seven or nine.
Outsiders believe that in future China may experience a time without a powerful top leader.This situation may bring hope for the civil political force.

Since the presidency of China has ceased,the CCP General Secretary becomes the top leader. So the Politburo Standing Committee has gained central power.

The politburo was composed of five to nine seats in the past. The Seven seats is the most seats in the CCP history. At the 16th Party Congress, to further suppress Falun Gong, Jiang Zemin added two extra seats. One for Minister of Propaganda and one for the Secretary of Political and Legislative Affairs Committee (PLAC). This is how seats at the Standing Committee increased to nine.

In January 2012, during preparations for the 18th Party Congress rumors spread that the seats of PLAC will reduce to seven. However, new rumors spread right before the 18th Party Congress: PLAC seats would remain as nine to ensure great unity of the CCP.

Lan Shu, the Current Affairs Commentator believes the CCP is the leading cause for the social conflict. During the 18th Party Congress, the CCP said to maintain
it’s rule is the first condition to solve all the problems. However, neither side can show the convincible strategy to operate the country. Which caused the personnel issue to remain unresolved.

Lan Shu: “Because every side wants to ensure their own gain they need to make sure the CCP survives. However, none of them can find a solution to resolve the
social conflict and problems that the CCP encountered. There is also no way to reach a compromise regarding their gain. This caused chaotic struggle so the personnel issue isn’t resolved.”

Lan Shu said that the CCP faces the most dangerous political crisis in history. It can collapse at any time.

Lan Shu: “Its conflict over their gain could be the leading cause of the CCP’s collapse overnight. Another possibility is, finally, each CCP faction forcibly
reaches a balance to choose the next top leader. No matter who has been chosen, the new leader has no way to support the CCP in the future to maintain social “stability.” As he won’t be able to resolve the social conflict at present.”

Cai Guihua, founder of Democracy Wall points out that the PLAC seat number is still uncertain even at the last minute. It indicates the internal party struggle has intensified greatly.

Cai Guihua: “It shows the internal struggling is still there. The power structure indicates intensifying internal conflict. It doesn’t mean that if Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang rule China, they would have the similar influence as Deng Xiaoping. Maybe the new leadership has less strength than the last one.

As the struggle behind the power increases,they influence each other, making trouble.”

Cai Guihua said that when they started democracy movement Deng Xiaoping’s reform faction struggled with Hua Guofeng. So the civil society had a political chance to change.

Cai Guihua: “Talking about the numbers of the seats of Standing Committee, it is still unconfirmed. It changes from seven to nine, and back again. A move that shows the next leadership faces difficult times. This stems from the political power force being in poor condition. The more the large crack in the CCP increases, the better it is for China. If they are all dictators, it’s a disaster for Chinese.”

In their history, they experienced the CCP top level struggling for the personnel, then spreading rumors. When the senior figures appeared, it makes the 18th Party Congress power transition much more complicated. Who will now take seat in PLAC becomes a critical point.

How to run the hopeless CCP continuously?

Lan Shu said that the CCP’s different interests groups’ power struggles makes it hard to reach a consensus.
