【禁闻】中共面临解体 想用“纯洁党”解套





时事评论员 汪北稷:“正确的理解看,其实是警告一起贪污没事、一起玩女人也没事,一起窃取权利也没事,一起搞坏环境也没事,一起镇压老百姓也没有事,千万不要去向往西方的民主自由。向往民主自由,你就破坏我们贪腐政党、独裁政党的纯洁性,他的话应该这样理解。”









大纪元退党义工 梅女士:“部队的领导,他们一个班、排、连,都集体的退。我发给他网址,他自己就退了,就用发给网址退的现在都将近2000人,因为它是头。”




采访/易如 编辑/宋风 后制/王明宇

Can “Purifying the Party” Save the CCP ?

“Building the Party’s purity” is highlighted in the report of
the 18th Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Congress.
The Party has discerned the arrival of the crisis of it’s rule.

Hu Jintao warned that the CCP and its regime would face
their demise if they failed to deal with corruption well.
Now the question is, will “purifying the Party”
be able to save the CCP’s life ?

The lengthy Party Congress report elaborated on how to
comprehensively and scientifically improve Party building.
The report highlighted a phrase “purity building”.

Dai Yanjun, deputy director at the Central Party School.,
commented on the report’s first usage of “purity building”.
Dai said that it reflects the Party’s soberness on “its own body’s
health issues” such as few Party members’ “crisis of faith".

Critic Wang Beiji reveals that the CCP lacks real faith,
it only believes in power, money and sex.
Thus, the Party’s purity building is just empty talk, he says.

Wang Beiji: “A Party report actually sent a warning.

It meant that it’s OK for the officials to corrupt,
to keep mistresses,
to plot a coup, to ruin the environment, and to
suppress civilians.
But it warned them not aspire to
Western democracy and freedom.
He who dreams of realizing democracy and freedom,
is destroying the purity of the corruptible and authoritarian Party.
This is the true meaning of remarks made.”

This year, the occurrence of severe political issues involving
Bo Xilai, Wang Lijun and Liu Zhijun, have raised public doubts.
The public has questioned the legitimacy of a regime which
has bred rampant corruption among officials across China.
In particular, Bo Xilai, who almost entered the CCP’s
top leadership circle, murdered many innocent citizens.

Hu Jintao warned that if the anti-corruption drive cannot be
handled well, “it could prove fatal to the party and even lead to it’s downfall”.

The Party’s “downfall crisis” has been openly admitted
on several occasions by Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, and Xi Jinping.

Wang Beiji: “The CCP has turned China into a large jail
in order to convene its 18th Party Congress.
It hasn’t mentioned the implementation of democracy,

Neither has it mentioned internal democracy nor the
declaration of officials’ personal property,
In addition, the true application of the constitution
has not been discussed or mentioned.

Wang Beiji remarks that the CCP regime is even worse
than the pre-disintegration Soviet Communist Party.
At least, its Party members had not sent their children,
in large numbers, to the U.S.A..
Nor had they transferred their assets there, says Wang.

Hong Kong-based Trend magazine’s May issue reported
on the latest migration figures of CCP officials.
It said, the CCP internal authority confirmed that
by the end of March 2012,
187(91%) of 204 members of the 17th CCP Central
Committee had family members living or working in Western countries or acquiring citizenship there.
Among the 167 alternate Committee members,
142 (85%) had relatives emigrating overseas.
113 (88%) of 127 members of the CCP Central Commission
for Discipline Inspection had relatives emigrating abroad.

U.S. government statistics show migration figures of
retired CCP officials’ family members.
For the retired CCP officials at ministerial level and above,

75% of their children have emigrated to the U.S.
or have become naturalized;
91% of their grandchildren hold U.S. citizenship.

Awakened Chinese people have now openly separated
themselves from the CCP.
So far, over 127 million Chinese have renounced the CCP
and its affiliated organizations on Tuidang.epochtimes.com
The tidal waves of CCP officials’ abandoning the boat of
the CCP and
the number of Chinese citizens quitting-the-CCP
have both shown that the Party’s demise is drawing near.

Ms. Mei (volunteer, Quit-the-CCP Global Center):
“The army officers in a squad, a platoon and in a company
have collectively renounced the CCP.
I sent them a website for quitting the CCP. So far,
nearly 2,000 army officers have renounced the CCP on it.”

Ms. Mei reveals that Chinese people who have quit
the CCP cover a wide range of groups.
It includes a provincial Party-chief, an over 90-year-old
CCP official, a university teacher, army personnel and farmers.

CNN reported, “China is treading many fault lines:
a widening gap between rich and poor, rising unrest…and a slowing economy…”

Wu Fan, chief editor of China Affairs magazine, comments.

The CCP has been locked into severe crises in political,
economic, financial and social areas.
They have become huge time bombs which are now
passed down to Xi Jinping, a big bang is expected to occur at any time.
