


当天,《中国新闻网》 发表题为“党建,十八大浓墨重彩之笔”的文章,指称官僚主义、形式主义、以权谋私、贪污腐败等党员干部的丑陋现象,都让中共的执政权力受到威胁。而薄熙来、刘志军等中外瞩目的案件,更暴露出制度监管的缺失。



《北京之春》杂志主编 胡平:“我不觉得他会有什么不同的做法,他会提一些新的口号,但是都大同小异,没有什么太大值得我们注意的方面。没看出他有什么进行大的改革的意思。”










采访/刘惠 编辑/王子琦 后制/王明宇

CCP Vice President Xi Jinping is set to become CCP’s
new Secretary General after the 18th Assembly.
Recently, Xinhua News Agency reported upon
the 7th Plenary Conference,
mentioning Xi Jinpings presidings over the revision of
CCP’s Party Charter.
The same day, CCP mouthpiece media published an article,
saying how the “party building" will be a central topic for the 18th Assembly.
Some analysts believe that it will be Xi’s first priority
to administer CCP itself after he takes power.

Nov. 4th, Xinhua News said in a newsletter,

how Xi Jinping briefed an amendment of CCP’s Charter
on 7th Plenary Conference.
However, the report does not disclose further details
of the revision.

The same day, China News website published an article titled,
“Party Building: Keyword of 18th Assembly.”
The article pointed out, CCP’s rule is shaken by
bureaucratism, formalism, abuse of power, and corruption amongst Party members.
The scandals about Bo Xilai and Liu Zhijun further expose
the true lack of supervision within CCP itself.

The article says CCP once again has come to an historical
“Party building" becomes a critical problem for CCP’s survival,
and will become a keyword of the 18th Assembly.
“Party building" refers to the development of CCP itself.

Major CCP mouthpiece media all reproduced this report,
triggering a discussion over Xi Jinping’s political philosophy and primary task.

Chief Editor of “Beijing Spring" Magazine: “I do not think
he will perform differently.
He might propose some new slogans, but largely the
same as before, unworthy of attention.
I do no see him planning to carry out any significant reform.”

According to “World News," analysts believe,
as new head of 80 million CCP members,
it will be Xi’s primary task to manage such a huge entity.

Reports say that Xi Jinping is already the highest official in
charge of Party building even before he becomes new president.
The CCP’s journals he oversees, have published articles
criticizing the" hidden rules" within CCP.
In the last half a year, Xi Jinping has on at least six occasions,
talked publicly about CCP’s Party building,
stressing the importance of “maintaining and developing
CCP’s advanced nature and purity.”

Will Party building solve the current problems of China?

Dr. Li Tianxiao, Columbia University: “Through these
so-called reforms, CCP only tries to strengthen its leadership with more efficiency.
This will in no way benefit the people, and will even
exacerbate the situation of CCP’s dictatorship.
CCP’s main purpose is solely to pacify public dissatisfaction
and anger against itself.”

An unnamed scholar from Chinese Academy of Social
Sciences said in an interview with the Central News Agency,
the CCP’s internal supervision will never be effective,
since “one’s left hand can not supervise his right hand.”

Internet writer Jing Chu: “Internal supervision within CCP is
only a joke, like a doctor doing surgical operations upon himself.
Actually CCP does not need to do much. As long as it revokes
censorship over news and publication, loosens customs deregulation,
and abandons its internet police, the Chinese nation will revive
its intellectual vigor once more.
It is not that they (CCP) should do anything,
but that they should stop doing what they are doing now.”

However, Li Tianxiao, doctor of political science from
Columbia University points out,
the CCP’s “reforms” might also produce a counter-effect,
which even CCP would find an unexpected surprise.

Li Tianxiao: “On the one hand, (people) will break open
information blockages in order to access overseas resources.
Many people are already doing so by visiting oversea’s media,
such as NTD and Epoch Times.
On the other hand, when CCP’s repression comes to an extreme
point and people feel it is difficult to continue on with their lives,
they will organize amongst themselves to resist any further
CCP’s violent rule, and aim to bury it.”

Li Tianxiao says, the “side-effects” of reform are more
formidable to CCP, since they could potentially bring an end to CCP.
