【禁闻】行政透明遇难题 办公经费成机密

【新唐人2012年11月3日讯】“北京大学公众参与研究与支持中心”发布的一份报告指称,在中心的调研人员向42个国务院下设机构,申请“2011年人均办公经费”时,被 34家拒绝,他们甚至声称申请项目“属于国家秘密”。专家表示,中共官场内部已是体制腐败,因此无法向世人交代、行政无法公开。


调查《报告》结果显示,拒绝提供“人均办公经费”信息的33家部委理由也不相同,有的声称 “部门决算正在审核批复”;有的则干脆置之不理﹔也有的认为“人均办公经费”不属于政府信息公开的范围,央行甚至说“人均办公经费”属于国家秘密。










采访/李莲 编辑/宋风 后制/周天

Are Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Office Expenses
State Secrets?

Public Participation Research and Support Center in Peking
University released a report.
It alleged that the center researchers had applied for 42 per
capita office expenses in 2011 to units of the State Council.
34 applications were rejected, claiming the applications are
state secrets.
The experts said within the CCP officialdom, it is institutional
corruption which cannot confess to the world.
It is unable to disclose administrative expenses.

On Nov. 1st public participation research and
support center in Peking University
held a press release on ‘administrative transparency
observation report from 2011-2012′.
The special report on three public funds research
was compelling.

According to Legal Daily report, since March 2012,

researchers applied to publicize per capita office expenses
in 42 agencies and regions as individual citizens,
meeting great resistance. Only nine gave details
with 33 units refusing with various reasons.

The results of the survey showed the 33 ministries refused to
provide per capita office expenses for different reasons.
Some said the budget was under final approval,
some ignored it,
some believed per capita office expenses did not belong to
the public realm, the central bank even said it is state secrets.

Li Xiangyang, a human rights lawyer in China said,
“With some scholars’ analysis,
we learned that 60% of China’s GDP
is used by the government.
E.g. public consumption in China is more than
RMB 900 billion per year.
A considerable part of office expenses went into the pockets of
leaders every year. So could not be disclosed in public."

Li Xiangyang, a human rights lawyer in China also said that
the CCP is under black-box operation.
Once their expenses were publicized,
their unspoken rules will be exposed too.
Money they used for corruption, even for mistresses,
could not be shown to the world.

Professor Wang Jingbo, vice dean, Legal government research
center, China University of Political Science and Law said that
Government Information Transparency Regulations of the
People’s Republic of China, should have transparency.
Per capita office expenses belong to financial budget
and should be disclosed;
if anyone refused to provide the information or
ignored requests, it is against the regulations.

Wang Jingbo believes the central bank’s view that “office
expenses per capita are state secrets",
also means it is not conforming to the provisions
of the State Secrets Law either.

Guangming website in China pointed out that
every penny of the government administrative funding comes from the taxes paid by the taxpayers,
so logically taxpayers to government officials are
in a relationship of employer to employee.
So if the Master providing money asked the servant
how much money was spent on what things, isn’t it legitimate?

Wu Fan, editor of the affairs in China said, “They take
the national interests as their own private interests.
Then block you with threat of national secrets,
not allowing you to investigate.
Even the Audit Department cannot do investigations, and
nobody knows how many private treasuries there are.
They do not let the hungry eat even when they themselves
had too much food with more to spare.
This is a systematic corruption. If one enters their system,
it is impossible not to be corrupted too.”

Wu Fan pointed out that CCP officials had no constraints
and are lawlessness in behavior.
There is no supervision of any non-governmental organizations
or media, which formed institutional corruption of the CCP.
They did not dare to disclose the necessary information.

In a democratic society of Taiwan with much less corruption,

the Supreme Court with judiciary independence found former
President Chen Shui-bian guilty of corruption, and sentenced him to eleven years in prison.
Recently, President Ma Ying-jeou’s general, Executive Yuan
Secretary, General Lin Yishi was sentenced by the prosecutor.

Guangming website believes administrative and political
Opaqueness and personal relations in politics is corruption.
Administrative and political transparency is the premise of
a regulated power operation.
