


美国“乔治梅森大学”教授 章天亮:“我感觉十八大之后,中共官场可能会经历更大的一场清洗,就是江派人物可能都会被清洗,这样的话,他们有可能趁着暴风雨没有来之前就赶紧跑掉。所以在这种情况下,就不让这些江派的人马出国,但是很难讲谁是江派的、或不是江派的,所以干脆大家就谁也别出国。”











采访/朱智善 编辑/王子琦 后制/孙宁

Why Does CCP Protect “Most Tense National Congress in History” At All Costs?

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
18th Congress is getting closer.
Protecting the conference at all costs
has become the top political task of CCP.
Recently, there’s a CCP official responsible
for maintaining stability commented that,
“the CCP has never had so tense a conference before”.

Dragnet-style maintaining stability
has been launched across China.
All officials at different levels are required
to stay in China during the 18th Congress.
At the same time, there are now ten designated
“sensitive areas” where ambulances will be deployed to prevent accidents.
Are these measures preparing for Chinese citizens,
or preparing for potential fighting between the CCP factions?
Let’s hear from our experts!

Some overseas Chinese media reported that in order
to the “protect 18th Congress”,
a system to maintain stability has been launched
across China.
The army and armed police are now on a status
of emergency.
During the conference, the regime has asked all military
officials to not have vacation,
and other officials cannot leave China,
which even includes Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.
Only under exceptional, emergency cases will it be allowed.

Zhang Tianliang, a professor at George Mason University,
U.S.: “I think that the CCP leadership will initiate larger actions after the conference, removing Jiang’s faction.
If this is true, then Jiang’s faction
will flee before the storm.
Under this kind of situation, however, the CCP will not
allow the officials from Jiang’s faction to leave China.
But it’s hard to say who is in Jiang’s faction, and who isn’t.
Then, it’s a case of all CCP officials aren’t allowed to leave.”

The report also said that the leader of this protection team
for the 18th Congress isn’t Zhou Yongkang, Secretary of the Central Political and Legislative Committee.
It is also not Wang Lequan, the Deputy Secretary,
nor is it the Deputy Meng Jianzhu.
The however, did not state who the leader of the team is.

Hu Jun, founder of Human Rights Campaign:
“The Political and Legislative Committee and 610 offices are everywhere in China.
The Political & Legislative Committee and the
National Security control the whole of China.
Their evil is encompassing.

This time, the CCP leadership is changing. As well having
a process of cleansing, the struggle will be more tragic.
The Political and Legislative Committee have hurt so many
people over the years, and officials know this very well.”

The report also quoted an official who
is responsible for stability maintenance.
The situation to “protect the 18th Congress” is like a war.

The whole atmosphere is unprecedented tense.
The conference will not be a “congress of unity”.

Zhang Tianliang: “It must be more and tenser.

There’s no solution because people’s
grievances have become bigger and bigger.
The system can only accumulate the grievances.

It has not mechanism to release grievances, which
means the situation only can get more and more tense.
Like the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, the CCP
have deployed an extreme security strategy.
Later on, this extreme strategy became the daily situation.”

Moreover, “Beijing Times” reported that Beijing Red Cross
held a stability meeting for 18th Congress on October 17.
It required all staff to return from vacation, and asks
them to work in a 24 hour shifts during the Congress.
Everyday, all of the 130 emergency stations, with over
600 staff and over 200 ambulances, must be active.
There are more than ten ‘sensitive areas’.
These include Tiananmen Square, Wumen, the Olympic park,
the Birds Nest Stadium and the Water Cube,
which will deploy more emergency workers and vehicles.

Analysts considered that the pressure on
the 18th Congress come mainly from two factors.
One is from the people, because there are
too many miscarriages of justice, and there are too many innocent people wanting to petition.
The regime may need a police force to
suppress them, which may see bloodshed.
The other factor is Zhou Yongkang, who may
use this as chance to fight his rival CCP faction, by using the people as a bargaining chip.

Zhang Tianliang: “Now the CCP central
committee is completely split.
Zhou Yongkang’s faction wants to show
the necessity of stability maintenance.
So they may make a civil protest, then suppress it.

For Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao, they will
not want this kind of thing to happen.
So they will take action to prevent it.”

Every CCP’s power transfer is accompanied
with a very bloody killing of the other faction.
Each faction will strangulate and fight the other.

The brutality is terrible, which
overseas observers can’t imagine.

Tang Baiqiao, President of Democracy University:
“Currently, each of the CCP leaders is like Bo Xilai.
Each of them questions whether
there’s a Wang Lijun in their team.
Each of them questions if there’s one day
their evil actions will be exposed.
That’s the reason why everybody is tense,
and anybody can be an enemy in their eyes.
If they continue to behave like this,
we don’t need do anything.
Just see how they destroy themselves.”

According to the report, the security level in Beijing
was already at it’s highest level by the end of September.
About 20,000 armed police are in the
second level of combat readiness.
The have weaponry and munitions, and are
prepared to fight when anything unexpected happens.
