











律师罗文方“他就是刺激人消费,很明显,刺激有工作和收入这部分人的消费,增加旅游景点收入,间接解决就业问题, 但是这样一年就这几个周,把这些人临时召集起来,黄金周以后,那些人又闲置了啊,这是一种浪费。”


采访/田净 编辑/尚燕 制作/柏妮

China’s Golden Week Holiday Chaos Far Cry from ‘Relaxing’

China’s 2012 “Golden Week" was an 8-day holiday period,
said to have been the longest holiday in recent history.
But for many, “the longest" does not only refer to days off,

but also to the traffic jams, queue lengths, and the time taken
to clean the garbage and mess left over by the tourists.
Some say the method the officials used to try to stimulate
domestic demand destroyed the fun of traveling, saying:
“Golden Week chaos into a pot of gold porridge!”

Asia’s 8-day “Golden Week" holiday ended on October 7th—
yet it wasn’t much of a relaxing break for many.
24 highways in 16 Chinese provinces saw serious congestions;
680,000 traffic accidents occurred;
major tourist sites were overcrowded; and
one camel in Dunhuang City even died from overwork.

Gong Shengli, independent china expert, and financial
and social critic, says this phenomenon happened because
China’s human resources are concentrated artificially—
it’s violating the laws of nature.

[Gong Shengli, Independent China Problem Expert]:
“Take the Huashan Mountain in China, for example,
from ancient times until now, there’s only been one path; how
can it stand hundreds of thousands of people walking on it?
You could say it violates the laws of nature,
but officials say it can stimulate people’s consumption."

To stimulate travel, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
made the 7-seat minibuses ‘free of charge’ on highways during the major holidays, starting with the Golden Week.
So on September 30th—the first day of free highway travel—
numerous major highways experienced major congestion.

Feng Xingyuan, deputy director of Beijing TianZe Institute
of Economics, says it is predictable that canceling toll fees on highways will lead to congestion.

[Feng Xingyuan, Beijing TianZe Institute of Economics]:
“Canceling highway tolls causes congestion;
economists predicted this result long ago—the lower the price,
the greater the demand; when it’s free, the demand will be the biggest.
It shows that if you want to make traffic flow more smoothly
than usual, you can’t cut the costs; the cheaper the busier."

With China’s economic slowdown, there are rising concerns
over whether the Chinese economy will take a “hard landing".
It’s led to further concerns over how much the Golden Week
will stimulate domestic demand in China.
Before Golden Week the China Tourism Research Institute
forecasted that the holidays will see about 362-million tourists
and tourism revenue would reach about 180-billion yuan;
an increase of 24% from 2011.

In fact, visitors ended up paying astronomical rates
during Golden Week—in Lianyungang City,
fried seafood noodles sold at
165 yuan (around U.S. $26) per bowl;
and in Wuhan Snack St., a bowl of porridge was
50 yuan (around U.S. $8).
Mr. Dong and his wife, who were Inner Mongolian tourists,
were caught in gang fights and stabbed with a knife 9 times
when trying to get a refund for their car ferry ticket after
being stuck in Huashan Mountain.

[Gong Shengli]: “Because of China’s domestic demand
not being sustained long-term, some proposed the idea of raising consumption,
but it’s encouraging wasting money; it’s entirely for profit.

I’ve been advocating this view—there’s no comfort or
leisure left in the Chinese holidays;
just keeping on the run—there are no benefits."

Lawyer, luo Wenfang, says this “holiday economy" is a waste.

[Luo Wenfang, Lawyer]: “It’s clearly to stimulate consumption;
stimulating those who have jobs and income to consume,
increasing the income of tourist sites indirectly,
and solving the employment problem.
But it’s only several weeks annually, and after Golden Week
those who make money off tourists are idle—this is a waste."

This year’s Golden Week chaos has made people reflect on
the holiday period.
Domestic media reported that paid annual-leave would be
the ultimate solution;
yet China’s labor law had already applied ‘holiday pay’
in 1995 and the State Council had issued workers with the right to‘paid leave’ in 2008.
Reality shows that the laws and regulations on workers’ rights
are merely empty slogans, with nothing actually materializing.
