



原大陆历史学教授刘因全:“因为薄熙来是太子党出身,他非常非常狂妄,他认为这个江山是他老子打下来的,理所当然的应该接老子的班,应该掌权,在这种心理的支配下,他不把平民出身的官员放在眼里,甚至认为他们是我们的家奴 。”












采访编辑/刘惠 后制/王明宇

The Downfall of Bo Xilai: Accidental or Inevitable?

Recently, the CCP official media broke word that Bo Xilai
slapped Wang Lijun in the face, which elicited much discussion.
People joked: “Bo Xilai stepped down with a slap in the face.”

Without the slap, Wang Lijun may not have fled to the United
States Consulate, and Bo Xilai may have become one
of the Politburo Standing Committee members, which could
have brought another culture revolution to China.
However, according to this argument, somebody listed six
reasons for the inevitability of the Bo Xilai’s downfall.

Niu Lei, a China political analyst, wrote an article titled,
“Six reasons for the inevitability of Bo Xilai’s downfall.”
After analyzing Hu – Wen’s attitude toward Bo,
Xi Jinping’s attitude towards Bo, and other Politburo Standing
Committee members’ attitudes towards Bo, he believes that
Bo Xilai’s loss of support and step down was inevitable.

U. S. democrat Liu Yinquan, who once taught history
in Mainland China, thinks Niu Lei’s analysis makes sense.
He commented that Bo Xilai relied on the advantage
of the so-called “second generation of red” and developed a character of arrogance.
It is his psychological foundation to slap Wang Lijun’s face
and the reason for his downfall.

Liu Yinquan, former history professor in mainland: “Bo Xilai
is one of the Princelings and he is very presumptuous.
He believes that his father beat down the country and
certainly he should take the position of his father.
Under this kind of psychological domination, he looked down
on officials with civilian backgrounds and even thought of them as his slaves.”

Niulei pointed out that Bo Xilai’s “banishment” to Chongqing
means he is an unpopular figure before Hu Jintao.
Due to Bo’s “Red Songs, Strike Black” movement in Chongqing,
Wen Jiabao put forward a warning about preventing another cultural revolution.

Liu Yinquan thinks both the fathers of Hu Jintao and Wen
Jiabao felt the persecution of the Cultural Revolution.
Therefore, they would not promote Bo Xilai,
who is partial to the bloody cultural revolution.

According to the analysis of Niu Lei, both Xi Jinping and Bo
Xilai belong to the “double insurance” succession arrangements of the so-called “spare tire” system of the CCP.
As long as there is a higher-level , the other must be repealed.
Therefore, Xi Jinping would not have gotten along well with Bo Xilai.

Liu Yinquan said that in addition to the political competition
between Xi Jinping and Bo Xilai, Xi Zhongxun, Xi Jinping’s
father, and Bo Yibo, father of Bo Xilai are also mutual enemies.
Xi Zhongxun was hit by Bo Yibo due to his support of Hu Yaobang.

Liu Yinquan: “Their fathers fought against each other a lot,
and both Xi Jinping and Bo Xilai must remember the fights, as they were adults at that time.
Their fathers are not in the same group,
they are totally different.
Xi Zhongxun is a better man and can be seen
as the representative of the liberals.
And Bo Yibo is a typical snob. So how could their sons
get along well? They must fight.”

Niulei thinks that besides Zhou Yongkang, other members
in the Politburo Standing Committee are not necessarily supposed to be Bo Xilai’s loyal allies.

Liu Yinquan: “Some people with ulterior motives, for example,
Jiang Zemin, wanted to promote Bo Xilai due to his following Jiang’s order to persecute Falun Gong.
Otherwise Bo Xilai followed repressive policies
and was not popular in the Politburo.
Due to his style, he looked down on everyone including
Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao,
and this state of mind must leave a very bad impression
on other Politburo members.”

Liu Yinquan said that Bo Xilai’s use of the “red songs”
movement to imply the second red generation to win power.
The Princelings may temporarily get together to deal with
the officials with civilian background’s but they must fight for seats.

Niulei pointed, Bo Xilai just used public dissatisfaction
with social problems such as corruption and unfair
distribution to his advantage and he satisfied some people
in the “Red Songs, Strike Black” movement.
But most people recognized that Bo wanted to be the Tyrant
of Chongqing, and his movement was a kind of totalitarianism trampling the rule of law.

Liu Yinquan: “Most people have suffered tremendously
at the hands of the CCP and Mao Zedong.
Therefore, how could Bo Xilai succeed by taking Mao Zedong
as a flag? No way.
Some upper people are aware of the public opinion and
will not support Bo.”

Liu’s advice for the next session of rulers is to remember
that “water can carry a boat, and can also capsize it.”
They must listen to the people and conduct political reform
to give the government back to the people.
