

9月22日,卡尔加里藏人团体聚集在卡尔加里市政府前,举行“真相之火”的火炬传递仪式。近100多名藏人参加了这个仪式。加拿大国会议员罗伯.安德斯(Rob Anders)到场声援支持。

加拿大阿尔伯塔西藏协会副会长扎西平措(Tashi Phuntsok,Vice President,Tibetan Association of Alberta)表示:自从2008年,中共当局加大了对西藏的“维稳”力度,藏人的权利和自由遭到更严重的剥夺,更多的藏人遭到关押、审讯和酷刑折磨。他呼吁面对迫害,通过“真相之火”把真相传递到全世界,一同停止迫害。




加拿大国会议员罗伯.安德斯(Rob Anders)演讲原文:

Today’s gathering is about the “Flame of Truth".

What is more important than our quest for the truth?

All religion speaks to what the purpose of life is.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is wise and has seen much.

A peaceful land with deep religious traditions, writings and temples going
back thousands of years.

A cultural storehouse for the world raided, burned and still oppressed.

But not beaten.

For truth prevails.

My dear friends!

It is up to you to reverse what communism and the evil values held by the
tyrannical regime in China have done.

Western desert Uigers,
Burmese Bhudist monks,
starving North Koreans,
Napalese under a Maoist insurgency,
Mongolian miners,
Taiwanese patriots,
Tienanmen students,
Falun Gong practitioners being harvested for their organs.

You are all perfectly aware of these evils.

The brutal communist regime in China cannot stifle the conscience and it
cannot deform it.

Call good and evil by name and do not blur them.

Cherish what is good and correct what is evil.

It is of the utmost importance that we find it within ourselves to minimize
our tolerance of evil and the fact that some in this country would excuse
themselves from this duty is deplorable.

Experience tells us how much the immorality of certain periods cost the

Today we are fighting for the future of Tibet as well as Canada.

I wish to give thanks for this solidarity which has been shown for the
Tibetan community.

Tibetan youth, in these challenging times the destitution of those interned,
imprisoned, and immolated in Tibet call out to you.

You here today are responsible for Tibet’s future and our great common

Tibet defines all of you.

Tibet obliges you.

Tibet costs us all.

You who outlive these challenging times and arrive home, safe in Tibet will
remember the cost of freedom.

It will be the inheritance of wisdom for future generations.

A nation is rich in its people.

Rich in youth.

Rich in every individual who stands for the name of truth.

It’s truth that gives form to wisdom.

Even if you are not on Tibetan soil today, as the generations in the past,
nevertheless carry in your heart a dream.

A dream to link with those others oppressed and together win freedom.

Precisely because the future of Tibet depends on you.

Ignite others with the flame of truth.

