




另外,在中共暗中操控的大陆反日游行示威仍在进行之际,台湾保钓团体23号下午在台北市区游行, 对日本政府表示抗议,并向日本交流协会递交抗议书,有约一千多人前往。

60艘台湾渔船将出港保钓 千人游行


美日联合军演 假想夺回“离岛”



Hong Kong Journalists’ Anti-CCP Oppression

On September 23, the Reporters Association in Hong Kong organized journalists to protest in front of CCP’ liaison Office.

They protested against mainland China’s oppression of Hong Kong journalists and their reporting activities.

They demanded CCP to stop its subjugation of news and press freedom.

Dressed in black with white bandage on the arms, protesters yelled out slogans “Defend freedom of the press,” and “Oppose interview restrictions.”
Some reporters find CCP’s oppression to journalists to be as severe as the Red Terror.

Tens Of Taiwan’ Fishing Boats Around Diaoyu (Senkaku)

Taiwan Diaoyu islands group protested on September 23,against Japanese government’ occupying the Diaoyu islands. The group also sent a letter of protest to the Japan Interchange Association. More than a thousand people
participated in the protest.

Eastern Suao area fishermen also had activities against Japan nationalizing the Diaoyu islands. CNA reported fishermen in Yilan of Taiwan had an activity,
called “Protecting Diaoyu islands’ right to exist” on the 24th. At least 60 fishing boats departed, and will sail around the Diaoyu islands on September 25.
National defense and foreign affairs departments will keep a close eye on the situation.

US-Japan Joint Military Exercise

Japan Ground Self-Defense Force and U.S. Marines, stationed in Japan had amphibious assault exercises in Guam.
Their hypothesized situation was to recapture the Outlying islands. The report says it was the first time when Japan and U.S. marine forces joined in a landing outlying islands exercises.

The Asahi Weekly reported on 23rd this exercise was planned before Japan nationalized Diaoyu islands. Japan Ministry of Defense’ official said,
this exercise didn’t target any country or island.

Constitutional scholar Prof. Mizushima at Waseda University, expressed concerns about the implications. The expert thinks this exercise may encourage anti-Japanese sentiments in China, and block other ways, like diplomatic channels, to solve the issue.
